Venue: Conference Room 1 - Fred Perry House - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 31 January 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interest was declared:-
Personal Interest
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair and Cabinet Members on any matters within the powers and duties of the Cabinet, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice. (Questions must be submitted no later than 3 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting via the Council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to submit questions to the Cabinet on any matters within its powers and duties, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice.
One public question was submitted relating to whether the Cabinet would agree to the undertaking of a public consultation in respect of the proposals contained within agenda item 22 – ‘Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund’ that would include an option to oppose the changes and to retain the current library service in full in the Central Library building.
The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) responded that the Council remained committed to delivering high quality library services in the town centre, and that the opening of Stockroom would enable the Council to widen library service provision. It was stated that there remained a commitment to retain significant library services within the Central Library building as well as providing a new home for adult education services.
It was further stated that Stockport was an outlier as an authority that was not reducing library services, but rather increasing library provision and was equally proud that this would include the retention of services within Central Library was well as a new facility at Stockroom. |
Exclusion of the Public and the Public Interest Test To consider whether it is in the public to exclude the public during consideration of the following agenda items which contain information “not for publication” and to consider any representations received to the notice of the intention to consider exempt information at this meeting.
The following representations have been received:-
At the time of publication no representations have been received. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) invited the Cabinet to consider whether to exclude the public and press from the meeting during consideration of agenda items 22 and 23 as they contained information that was ‘not for publication’ within its appendices.
RESOLVED – That in order to prevent the disclosure of information which was not for publication relating to the financial or business affairs of the any particular person (including the authority), the disclosure of which would not be in the public interest, would not be fair and would be in breach of Data Protection principles, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the ‘not for publication’ appendices to agenda item 22 - ‘Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund’ and 23 – ‘Merseyway Update’. |
Scrutiny Review Final Reports Additional documents: |
Scrutiny Review Panel - Growth in Free School Meals Final Report To consider a report of the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee
The report details the work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel of the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee in respect of the growth in free school meals and the proposed recommendations.
The Cabinet is recommended to consider the report and consider how it might respond to the report’s findings and recommendations.
Officer contact: Tim Bowman by email at Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice Chair of the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee and Lead Councillor for the Review (Councillor Linda Holt) attended the meeting to present the final report of the Scrutiny Review ‘Growth in Free School Meals’ (copies of which had been circulated) and to answer questions from the Cabinet.
RESOLVED - (1) That the Director of Education, Work & Skills be requested to prepare a response to the “Growth in Free School Meals Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Cabinet at a future meeting.
(2) That the gratitude of the Cabinet be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Growth in Free School Meals’ and others involved in the Review. |
Scrutiny Review Panel - Economic and Social Case for Metrolink in Stockport Final Report To consider a report of the Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.
The report details the work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel of the Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee in respect of the economic and social case for Metrolink in Stockport and the proposed recommendations.
The Cabinet is recommended to consider the report and consider how it might respond to the report’s findings and recommendations.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson 0161 474 4351 | Additional documents: Minutes: The Vice Chair of the Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee and Lead Councillor for the Review (Councillor David Meller) attended the meeting to present the final report of the Scrutiny Review ‘Economic and Social case for Metrolink in Stockport’ (copies of which had been circulated) and to answer questions from the Cabinet.
Councillor Meller stated that he wished to specifically highlight the recommendations in relation to prioritising public transport infrastructure over road building and that the ongoing work of the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation should be leveraged as much as possible to help deliver Metrolink into the borough.
The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) responded by welcoming the report and stating that it was a priority for the Council to have Metrolink extended to Stockport and that all development in the town centre was considered with the retention and preservation of viable routes into the borough in mind.
RESOLVED - (1) That the Director of Place Management be requested to prepare a response to the ‘Economic and Social Case for Metrolink’ Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Cabinet at a future meeting.
(2) That the gratitude of the Cabinet be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Economic and Social Case for Metrolink’ and others involved in the Review. |
To consider a report of the Corporate, Resource Management and Governance Scrutiny Committee.
The report details the work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel of the Corporate, Resource Management and Governance Scrutiny Committee in respect to Local Government Financial and Governance Sustainability and the proposed recommendations.
The Cabinet is recommended to consider the report and consider how it might respond to the report’s findings and recommendations.
Officer contact: Michael Cullen on 0161 474 4631 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice Chair of the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee and Lead Councillor for the Review (Councillor Mike Hurleston) attended the meeting to present the final report of the Scrutiny Review ‘Local Government Financial and Governance Sustainability’ (copies of which had been circulated) and to answer questions from the Cabinet.
RESOLVED - (1) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to prepare a response to the “Local Government Financial and Governance Sustainability” Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Cabinet at a future meeting.
(2) That the gratitude of the Cabinet be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Local Government Financial and Governance Sustainability’ and others involved in the Review. |
Performance and Budget Monitoring Additional documents: |
Corporate Performance and Resources Quarter 3 Update Report To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The Quarter 3 Update Corporate Performance and Resource Report (CPRR) provides a summary of progress in delivering the council’s priority outcomes up to 31 December 2022, with a particular focus on the third quarter of 2022/23 (October to December 2022).
The Corporate Performance Dashboard, accompanied by seven Portfolio Performance Dashboards, provides further detail for the suite of ‘Corporate’ measures analysed in Section 2 of the report, including trends, comparative data and commentary. A unique link to the Corporate Performance Dashboard can be found below and within the CPRR itself (on page 3).
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Review progress against delivering council priorities and capital schemes alongside budget and performance forecasts contained within the report.
(2) Note the key achievements and other issues quarter in each of the councils seven portfolios (in the Executive Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2022/23 (Section 2 – Corporate Performance: Overview and Analysis).
(3) Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast positions for 2022/23 as set out in section 3.3 and 3.6.
(4) Note the update to the council’s positive investments as set out in section 3.4.
(5) Note the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in section 3.5.
(6) Note the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund forecast positions as set out in sections 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.
(7) Note the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.10 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as of 31 December 2022.
(8) Note the position for the 2022/23 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1.
(9) Note the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in section 4.2.
(10) Approve the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3.
(11) Approve the 2022/23 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4, and (12) Identify key areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward.
Officer contact: Alan Lawson / Jonathan Davies, 07890 563587)/ 218 1025, / Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Corporate Performance and Resources Third Quarter Update Report setting out the delivery of the Council’s priority outcomes and budget since mid-year, with a particular focus on the fourth and final quarter.
RESOLVED - (1) That progress against delivering council priorities and capital schemes alongside budget and performance forecasts contained within the report be reviewed and noted.
(2) That the key achievements and other issues quarter in each of the councils seven portfolios (in the Executive Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2022/23 (Section 2 – Corporate Performance: Overview and Analysis) be noted.
(3) That the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast positions for 2022/23 as set out in section 3.3 and 3.6 of the report be noted.
(4) That the update to the council’s positive investments as set out in section 3.4 of the report be noted.
(5) That the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in section 3.5 of the report be noted.
(6) That the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund forecast positions as set out in sections 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 of the report be noted.
(7) That the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.10 of the report and the resulting reserves and balances position as of 31 December 2022 be noted.
(8) That the position for the 2022/23 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1 of the report be noted.
(9) That the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in section 4.2 of the report be noted.
(10) That approval be given to the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3 of the report.
(11) That approval be given to the 2022/23 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4 of the report. |
Key Decisions Additional documents: |
Future Provision of Bereavement Services (HP&L3) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks & Leisure Services.
The report details a proposal to seek delegated approval to implement new arrangements for managing the borough’s bereavement services.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Delegate responsibility for the review of options to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services.
(2) Delegate responsibility to award any contract to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services.
Officer contact: Ian O'Donnell on 0161 474 4175 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks & Leisure Services (Councillor Grace Baynham) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to seek delegated approval to implement new arrangements for managing the borough’s bereavement services.
RESOLVED - (1) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services in relation to responsibility for the review of options.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Parks and Leisure Services for the award of any contract. |
Annual Pay Policy Statement (F&R15) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
This Pay Policy Statement (the ‘statement’) sets out the Council’s approach to pay policy in accordance with the requirements of Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011. The policy also has due regard for the associated statutory guidance including supplementary guidance issued in February 2013 and the Local Government Transparency code 2014. The Councils Gender Pay Gap information is also included in line with the publication requirements.
The purpose of the statement is to provide transparency with regard to the Council’s approach to setting the pay of its employees (excluding teaching staff working in local authority schools) by confirming the methods by which salaries of all employees are determined; the detail and level of remuneration of its most senior staff i.e. ‘chief officers’, as defined by the relevant legislation; the responsibility of the Appointments Committee to ensure the provisions set out in this statement relating to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Directors and Service Directors are applied consistently throughout the Council and recommend any amendments to the Council. The report also includes the Council Gender Pay Gap figures for 2021.
Once approved by the full Council, this policy statement will come into immediate effect and will be subject to review on a minimum of an annual basis, the policy for the next financial year being approved by 31 March each year.
The Cabinet is to recommended to endorse the Pay Policy Statement and to recommend that the Council Meeting:-
(1) Approves and adopts the Pay Policy Statement for the Council.
(2) Agrees to publish the Councils Gender Pay Gap information.
Officer contact: Andrea Steward on 0161 218 1416 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Council’s Annual Pay Policy Statement and Gender Pay Gap figures for 2022.
RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to adopt the Annual Pay Policy Statement and agree to publish the Council’s Gender Pay Gap information. |
Asset Management Plan 2023/24 - 2027-28 (General Exception) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The Asset Management Plan Capital Programme report forms part of the Councils annual budget papers and sets out the budget requirement for capital works for future years.
The Asset Management Plan capital programme seeks to prioritise investment where required in the portfolio to ensure that we have the right property in the right place, ensure that assets are retained are fit for purpose, well maintained and support modern and efficient service delivery with minimal environmental impact.
The Cabinet is recommended to
(1) Give approval to the programme for 2023/24 and the financing thereof, and the Indicative AMP programme for up to 2027/28, as set out in the report;
(2) Give approval to the application of corporate resources to fund the AMP programme 2023/24 to 2027/28; with the application of funding types (capital receipts and borrowing) being delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (S151 Officer) in conjunction with the Capital Board;
(3) Authorise the Director of Development & Regeneration to award construction contracts as required to deliver the works programme.
Officer Contact: James Kington on 07815 997564 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposed Asset Management Plan for 2023/24 setting out details of the capital programme for 2023/24 and the indicative programmes to be delivered through to 2027/28.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the programme for 2023/24 and the financing thereof, and the Indicative Asset Management Plan programme for up to 2027/28, as set out in the report.
(2) That approval be given to the application of corporate resources to fund the Asset Management Plan programme 2023/24 to 2027/28; with the application of funding types (capital receipts and borrowing) being delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (S151 Officer) in conjunction with the Capital Board.
(3) That the Director of Development & Regeneration be authorised to award construction contracts as required to deliver the works programme. |
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care.
The report outlines the 2023/24 fee setting recommendations for the most significant areas of externally commissioned services within Adult Social Care.
The Cabinet is recommended to give approval to the fee setting approach, including fee uplifts, as detailed in the report.
Officer contact: Jon Wilkie on 07970 318461 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care (Councillor Keith Holloway) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the 2023/24 fee setting recommendations for the most significant areas of externally commissioned services within Adult Social Care.
It was commented that there were a number of inflationary pressures that contribute to increased costs within Adult Social Care not least of which was the cost of staff. It was further noted that in this regard, many care homes and domiciliary care providers were in direct competition with the hospitality and retail sectors.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the fee setting approach, including fee uplifts as set out in the report. |
Revised Direct Payments Policy (H&ASC4) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care.
The original Direct Payment policy for adults was launched in September 2021. Following the implementation of this policy, feedback from service users and carers, stakeholders and external and internal legal teams determined that the policy needed to be reviewed to ensure that it was legally compliant. A decision was taken to carry out a formal consultation on eight proposals, some of which were linked to recent case law. The primary focus was to ensure that our Direct Payment policy is legally compliant, whilst also taking the opportunity to seek feedback on the policy and its implementation.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Review and approve the new policy.
(2) Note the outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment.
(3) Note the implementation plans.
Officer contact: David Eckersley on 0161 218 1754 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care (Councillor Keith Holloway) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining proposals for a new Direct Payment policy that had been reviewed following consultation and adapted to ensure that it was easier to read and understand.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the new Direct Payment policy.
(2) That the outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment be noted.
(3) That the implementation plans be noted. |
Stockport Rail Station Regeneration Update (E&R91)
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an update on the Stockport Station Project, including progress on the project to date and next steps.
The Cabinet is recommended to:
(1) Note the contents of the report and progress on the project;
(2) Endorse the approach to the development and submission of the business case; and
(3) Delegate authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration, the Director of Place Management, and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration for the following:
· The council, in its role as accountable body to sign off and submit the business case documents for the Stockport Railway Station project. · The council, in its role as accountable body to enter into all required funding agreements, and associated terms with Avanti West Coast and Network Rail. · Authority to enter all contract, partner, land and procurement arrangements, and to seek permissions, including planning permissions, as required to build and operate or manage, as appropriate, reporting back as necessary and appropriate to the Cabinet. · Authority to approve the final schemes and their construction programme following approval of the final business cases. · Authority to enter into agreement with the landowners for temporary access rights and purchase the land necessary to construct the schemes. · Agree to authorise officers to enter into final negotiations with affected landowners to agree heads of terms for land purchase by agreement.
(4) Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the abovementioned resolutions.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or by email at: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Stockport Station Project, including progress on the project to date and the planned next steps.
RESOLVED - (1) That the contents of the report and progress on the project be noted.
(2) That the approach to the development and submission of the business case be endorsed.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration, the Director of Place Management, and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration for the following:
· The council, in its role as accountable body to sign off and submit the business case documents for the Stockport Railway Station project. · The council, in its role as accountable body to enter into all required funding agreements, and associated terms with Avanti West Coast and Network Rail. · Authority to enter all contract, partner, land and procurement arrangements, and to seek permissions, including planning permissions, as required to build and operate or manage, as appropriate, reporting back as necessary and appropriate to the Cabinet. · Authority to approve the final schemes and their construction programme following approval of the final business cases. · Authority to enter into agreement with the landowners for temporary access rights and purchase the land necessary to construct the schemes. · Agree to authorise officers to enter into final negotiations with affected landowners to agree heads of terms for land purchase by agreement.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the abovementioned resolutions. |
United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund - Stockport Arrangements (E&R92) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) provides £2.6 billion of new funding for local investment by March 2025, with all areas of the UK receiving an allocation from the fund via a funding formula rather than a competition. The report details the UKSPF Communities and Place funding allocation for Stockport and the proposed governance arrangements for it.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Note the content of the report, including the approach relating to Stockport’s UKSPF investment plan for Communities & Place and the suitability of the proposed governance model for any future Support for Local Business and the People and Skills elements of UKSPF, once they are approved.
(2) Agrees to delegate authority to the Director of Development and Regeneration who will approve funding allocations for projects in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration, to oversee and approve the delivery of activities relating to Stockport’s investment plan.
(3) Note that the Cabinet and Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee receive copies of the regular reporting on the project bids and agreed funding allocations, and any other updates on UKSPF.
Officer contact: Richard Mortimer by email at: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Communities and Place funding allocation for Stockport and the proposed governance arrangements.
RESOLVED - (1) That the content of the report be noted, including the approach relating to Stockport’s UKSPF investment plan for Communities & Place and the suitability of the proposed governance model for any future Support for Local Business and the People and Skills elements of UKSPF, once they are approved.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration who will approve funding allocations for projects in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration, to oversee and approve the delivery of activities relating to Stockport’s investment plan.
(3) That it be noted that the Cabinet and Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee will receive copies of the regular reporting on the project bids and agreed funding allocations, and any other updates on UKSPF. |
General Items Additional documents: |
Area Committee Boundaries To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has undertaken a review of the council’s electoral arrangements and made recommendations for new warding patterns, to be used for the May 2023 Local Elections onwards.
A consequence of the borough’s new warding arrangements is that the existing boundaries of the council’s seven area committees are no longer coterminous with the new ward boundaries that will be place for the 2023/24 municipal year and that the council must therefore establish new arrangements.
NOTE: The comments of Area Committee will be submitted as a separate addendum to the report once the meetings met to consider the report.
The Cabinet is requested to make a recommendation to the Council Meeting on the boundaries of area committees for the 2023/24 municipal year.
Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposed arrangements for the boundaries of Area Committee for the 2023/24 municipal year following a review of the warding arrangements for the borough undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.
RESOLVED - That the Council Meeting be recommended to give approval to the adoption of the arrangements for area committees, as identified in Section 3.5 of the report, subject to an item being included within the Constitution Working’s Party’s work programme for 2023/24 to give further consideration to this matter, including scope for a possible radical realignment of area committee boundaries. |
Council Meeting Procedure Rules - Amendments To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The report details the considerations of the Constitution Working Party in relation to the potential for the introduction of a deadline for the submission of amendments to motions on notice at the Council Meeting.
The Cabinet is recommended to refer the proposed amendments to the Council Meeting Procedure Rules, as detailed in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 of the report, to the Council Meeting, noting that the matter would be required to stand adjourned until the next ordinary meeting of the Council Meeting on 13 July 2023.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal for the amendment of the Council Meeting Procedure Rules to introduce a deadline for the submission of amendments to motions on notice at the Council Meeting.
It was commented that the current arrangements whereby members are given up to 20 minutes to consider an amendment during a meeting was insufficient and the proposal within the report provided a sensible approach to resolve this issue.
RESOLVED – That the proposed amendments to the Council Meeting Procedure Rules, as detailed in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 of the report, be referred to the Council Meeting, noting that the matter would be required to stand adjourned until the next ordinary meeting of the Council Meeting on 13 July 2023. |
Nominations for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2023/24 The Leader of the Council to report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) invited the Cabinet to consider nominations for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the 2023/24 Civic Year.
RESOLVED – That the Leader of the Council be authorised to nominate Councillors Graham Greenhalgh and Kerry Waters for the positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively for the 2023/24 municipal year. |
To consider a report of the Leader of the Council
The Cabinet is invited to note the decisions of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) held on 27 January and 10 February 2023.
Officer contact: Damian Eaton on 0161 474 3207 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out decisions taken by the GMCA at its meetings on 27 January and 10 February 2023.
RESOLVED – That the decisions be noted. |
To consider recommendations of Scrutiny Committees On:-
(a) Matters (if any) referred to the Cabinet Meeting
(b) Any called-in Cabinet Executive Decisions Additional documents: Minutes: There were none to consider. |
Items including information 'not for publication' Additional documents: |
Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund (C&H38/ E&R89) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an update on progress relating to the delivery of Stockroom and seeks Cabinet approval to delegate entering into a build contract and additional finance in light of construction inflationary pressures.
(NOTE: The report contains ‘not for publication’ appendices that have been circulated to the Cabinet only).
The Cabinet is recommended to note the contents of the report and appendices and approve:-
(1) The additional financial commitment from the Council to progress with the project,
(2) Endorse the headline offer and overall vision for Stockroom and the benefits to the Council and the people of Stockport this will bring
(3) Delegate approval to the Director of Development and Regeneration and the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to enter into contract with the contractor to build Stockroom for a target cost of £13.5m
(4) Authorise the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary to enter into contract with the contractor.
Officer contact: Robert Goulsbra on 0161 218 1764 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress relating to the delivery of Stockroom and proposals to seek Cabinet approval to delegate entering into a build contract and additional finance in light of construction inflationary pressures.
(NOTE: The report contained ‘not for publication’ appendices that had been circulated to the Cabinet only).
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the additional financial commitment from the Council to progress with the project as detailed in the report.
(2) That the headline offer and overall vision for Stockroom and the benefits to the Council and the people of Stockport this will bring be endorsed.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration and the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to enter into contract with the contractor to build Stockroom for a target cost of £13.5m
(4) That authority be delegated the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary to enter into contract with the contractor. |
Merseyway Update (E&R93) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report seeks Cabinet approval for the appointment of a contractor to begin the main refurbishment works to the former BHS store, as well as Cabinet authorisation for the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance to do all things necessary to enter into contract with the preferred main contractor
(NOTE: The report contains ‘not for publication’ appendices that have been circulated to the Cabinet only).
The Cabinet is recommended to note the contents of the report and appendices and;
(1) Approve the appointment of a contractor to begin main construction works to the former BHS store;
(2) Delegate to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Development & Regeneration; in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to approve the final terms and enter into the build contract with the main contractor,
(3) Authorise the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary to enter into contract with the contractor.
Officer contact: Robert Goulsbra on 0161 218 1764 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to enter into contract with a contractor to begin the main refurbishment works on the former BHS store.
(NOTE: The report contained ‘not for publication’ appendices that had been circulated to the Cabinet only).
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the appointment of a contractor to begin main construction works to the former BHS store as detailed in the report.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Development & Regeneration; in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to approve the final terms and enter into the build contract with the main contractor.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary to enter into contract with the contractor. |