Venue: Conference Room 1 - Fred Perry House - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held 27 April 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal & Prejudicial Interest
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair and Cabinet Members on any matters within the powers and duties of the Cabinet, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice. (Questions must be submitted no later than 3 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting on the card provided. These are available at the meeting. You can also submit via the Council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to submit questions to the Cabinet on any matters within its powers and duties, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice.
Three public questions were submitted as follows:-
· Relating to the provision of a permanent encampment in Stockport for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and when the proposed inclusion of such a site within the Stockport Local Plan would be discussed.
The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) responded that the matter would be considered as part to of the Local Plan process and work was actively ongoing on this. It was stated that papers were likely to be published shortly with an update on where this was up to and it was confirmed that the Council needed to have a Local Plan in place by 2023. The questioner was encouraged to contribute to the consultation on the Local Plan to ensure that their views were heard.
· Relating to lack of a policy within the Council with regard to noise nuisance associated with the placing of road humps.
The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) responded that the Council was satisfied that it does follow all due process with all consultation for traffic calming measures as set out in national legislation. It was further stated that the Council was aware of the concerns raised separately by the questioner with regard to a specific scheme and representations had been made in the consultation on this matter, which would be considered prior to any final decision being made.
· Relating to an options appraisal that would be undertake in relation to the future use of the Central Library building and why work had not been completed to demonstrate how a 21st century library facility could be accommodated within the existing building before the start of the consultation process.
The Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement (Councillor David Sedgwick) responded that the Council had set out that there would be three parts to the process, the first of which that was due to start within the next few weeks would be to start to understand what people would like to see. It was confirmed that no decision has been taken on the Stockroom part of the proposal. It was stated that if there was general support for a 21st century library option, then that would be subject to a further consultation stage of which the options appraisal would be a part. With regard to the reuse of the Central Library building, it was stated that the funding allocation was from within the ‘Future High Streets Fund’ which was designed to encourage more people into the town centre which precluded its use at the Central Library building.
A further eleven public questions were submitted in relation to Agenda 8 – ‘Woodford Development - New School Governance Decision (CFS&E5/ RCG32)’ as follows:-
· Relating to the adjustment of catchment areas; whether sustainability assessments have or will be undertaken; whether expanding the existing Queensgate site had been considered; whether parking provision will be sufficient; the provision of improved sustainable travel routes; and why this proposal wasn’t mooted originally. · Relating to nursery provision at the new site; whether a mid-year school year would be considered; how realistic the risk of other school closures was; the impact of modal shift from walking to driving; and the provision of safe walking routes. · Relating to The legal basis and precedents for escaping the “free school presumption”; the introduction of delays by entertaining this route; the validity of the vote of the Governing Body of Queensgate Primary School; and what information had been provided by the Council to support the view that the relocation of Queensgate “would receive support of cluster Head Teachers”. · Relating to how capacity at the new school would be managed when Woodford Garden Village was fully constructed and occupied; ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Woodford Development - New School Governance Decision (CFS&E5/ RCG32) To consider a joint report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services & Education and the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance.
As a part of the new Woodford housing development (building 920 homes), the developer is obliged via a section 106 agreement, to have constructed a single form entry (FE) primary school building and pass the freehold to the Council for no consideration. The site requires a decision as to how the school is governed.
There are 2 options available to Local Authority regarding the management and governance of the new school. The Local Authority can recommend that an existing community school transfers to the new site and is expanded or the site is offered, though a competitive process, as a free school/academy.
Both Queensgate Primary (Community School) and at least one Multi-Academy Trust are interested in taking over the governance and management of the new school site.
The main report outlines an appraisal of both options in line with an agreed common aim within the ONE Stockport Brough Plan that we have sufficient places in good local inclusive schools at the heart of the community that children and families want to go to.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Determine that, subsequent to continued stakeholder engagement in June and July 2021 and further work on place planning projections, a formal consultation on a final proposal and preferred option will be undertaken from September 2021.
(2) Agree that the decision to begin consultation will be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Education in consultation with lead portfolio holders for Children, Family Services and Education and Resources, Commissioning & Governance, and that Cabinet will make the final decision in December 2021.
Officer Contact: Geraldine Gerrard on 0161 474 3837 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet has considered a report detailing two options available to the Local Authority regarding the management and governance of a new school to be built as a part of the new Woodford housing development, and has:-
(1) Determined that, subsequent to continued stakeholder engagement in June and July 2021 and further work on place planning projections, a formal consultation on a final proposal and preferred option be undertaken from September 2021.
(2) Agreed that the decision to begin consultation be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Education in consultation with lead portfolio holders for Children, Family Services & Education and Resources, Commissioning & Governance, and that Cabinet make the final decision in December 2021. |
Exclusion of the Public and the Public Interest Test To consider whether it is in the public to exclude the public during consideration of the following agenda items which contain information “not for publication” and to consider any representations received to the notice of the intention to consider exempt information at this meeting.
The following representations have been received:-
At the time of publication no representations have been received. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) invited the Cabinet to consider whether to exclude the public and press from the meeting during consideration of agenda items 23, 24 and 25 as these items contained information that were ‘not for publication’.
RESOLVED – That in order to prevent the disclosure of information which was not for publication relating to the financial or business affairs of the any particular person (including the authority), the disclosure of which would not be in the public interest, would not be fair and would be in breach of Data Protection principles, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items in the eventuality it was necessary to discuss the information contained within the ‘not for publication’ appendices:-
Key Decisions Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2020/21 (RCG33) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance.
The purpose of this report is to inform the Cabinet on the operation and effectiveness of the Council's Treasury Management function for 2020/21.
Throughout 2020/21 the Council complied with its legislative and regulatory requirements. The key actual prudential and treasury indicators detailing the impact of capital expenditure activities during the year, with comparators are found in the main body of the report.
The Deputy Chief Executive (Section 151 Officer), confirms that borrowing was only undertaken for a capital purpose and the statutory borrowing limit (the authorised limit) was not breached.
The investment activity during the year conformed to the approved strategy and the Council had no liquidity issues. This annual review report is a backward-looking review of the treasury management operation for the previous financial year and is the last report in the 2020/21 reporting cycle.
The Cabinet is asked to recommend that the Council Meeting:
· Approve the actual 2020/21 prudential and treasury indicators in this report; · Note the annual treasury management report for 2020/21.
Officer contact: Lorna Soufian on 0161 474 4026 or email: lorna.soufian@? Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Treasury Management Annual Report providing information on the functioning of the Council’s Treasury Management functions for 2020/21.
RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to:-
· Approve the actual 2020/21 prudential and treasury indicators in this report; and · Note the annual treasury management report for 2020/21. |
Governance arrangements for Stockport Active CIC (SS25) To consider a report of the Corporate Director (Place) & Deputy Chief Executive
The report provides an outline of the specification and contractual arrangements for Stockport Active Community Interest Company (CIC), which has been established to operate Council leisure centres and deliver active communities programmes which help the most inactive people in Stockport to become physically active. Following finalisation of the transfer agreement with Stockport Sports Trust, the CIC will use the Life Leisure trading name.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve the strategic priorities outlined in the specification for Stockport Active CIC and the indicators to be used initially to monitor performance against these.
(2) Approve the proposed Objects and Business of Stockport Active CIC.
(3) Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executives for Place and Corporate & Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Stockport and Resources, Commissioning and Governance to make decisions on matters over which the Council will retain decision making authority in relation to the CIC.
(4) Approve the composition of the initial Board and the proposed future approach to the role and recruitment of non-Council Board Members and to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executives for Place and Corporate & Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Stockport and Resources, Commissioning and Governance to make any such appointments.
(5) Approve the proposed roles of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport and Scrutiny Committees in relation to oversight and scrutiny of Stockport Active CIC.
Officer contact: Paul Richards on 0161-474-2940 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the specification and contractual arrangements for Stockport Active Community Interest Company (CIC), which had been established to operate Council leisure centres and deliver active communities programmes.
The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport extended her thanks to the Board of Life Leisure for their delivery of services to the public of Stockport for over 20 years and for their work to secure ongoing and future provision of services through the creation of the CIC. It was noted that as part of the transfer of services, the Council had also taken over both Woodley Sports Village and Houldsworth Sports Village from Life Leisure.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the strategic priorities outlined in the specification for Stockport Active CIC and the indicators to be used initially to monitor performance against these.
(2) That approval be given to the proposed Objects and Business of Stockport Active CIC.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executives for Place and Corporate & Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Stockport and Resources, Commissioning and Governance to make decisions on matters over which the Council will retain decision making authority in relation to the CIC.
(4) That approval be given to the composition of the initial Board and the proposed future approach to the role and recruitment of non-Council Board Members and to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executives for Place and Corporate & Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Stockport and Resources, Commissioning and Governance to make any such appointments.
(5) That approval be given to the proposed roles of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport and Scrutiny Committees in relation to oversight and scrutiny of Stockport Active CIC.
(6) That the thanks of the Cabinet be extended the Board of Life Leisure. |
Outline Business Case for the Review of the Town Centre Office Portfolio (RCG31) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance.
The report updates the Scrutiny Committee on the review work of the Council’s operational office town centre estate following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the fundamental way in which this has changed the way the Council works.
The Cabinet is recommended to :-
· Note the content of this report and work undertaken to date. · Note the links to the Medium Term Financial Plan. · Approve progression to Final Business Case. · Approve the procurement of the delivery of the next design stage at a cost of £583,000. · Note that a further report will be provided to the Cabinet towards the end of 2021/early 2022, reporting the outcome of the Final Business Case and Design/Construction Tender.
Officer Contact: Charlotte Cordingley on 0161 474 4240 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the review work of the Council’s operational office town centre estate following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the fundamental way in which this has changed the way the Council worked.
RESOLVED – That with regard to the Outline Business Case for the Review of the Town Centre Office Portfolio, the Cabinet has:-
· Noted the content of this report and work undertaken to date. · Noted the links to the Medium Term Financial Plan. · Approved progression to Final Business Case. · Approved the procurement of the delivery of the next design stage at a cost of £583,000. · Noted that a further report will be provided to the Cabinet towards the end of 2021/early 2022, reporting the outcome of the Final Business Case and Design/Construction Tender. |
Future High Street Fund (E&R71) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an update on progress with Stockport’s Future High Street Fund project.
The Cabinet is recommended to:
(1) Note the progress made with Stockport’s Future High Street Fund project.
(2) Approve the delegated authority for the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services) in conjunction Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement and the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to utilise the monies received from the Future High Streets Fund to progress the projects to the stage of being able to enter into a construction contract and any necessary planning applications. This would also cover any early works packages such as strip out, asbestos removal and any required surveys.
(3) Approve the engagement and consultation programme set out in Section 6 of this report.
(4) Approve the delegated authority for the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services) in conjunction Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement and the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration and the Strategic Head Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) to take the necessary steps to implement the strategy set out in this report
Officer Contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress with Stockport’s Future High Street Fund Project.
The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) stated that the award of funding by the government was an example of the one of the key aims of the Council to attract investment to deliver a vibrant town that was a place where wanted to live, work and socialise.
RESOLVED - (1) That the progress made with Stockport’s Future High Street Fund project be noted.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services) in conjunction Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement and the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to utilise the monies received from the Future High Streets Fund to progress the projects to the stage of being able to enter into a construction contract and any necessary planning applications. This would also cover any early works packages such as strip out, asbestos removal and any required surveys.
(3) That approval be given the engagement and consultation programme set out in Section 6 of this report.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate and Support Services) in conjunction Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement and the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration and the Strategic Head Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) to take the necessary steps to implement the strategy set out in this report. |
Greek Street Bridge (E&R66) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an update on progress with the scheme to replace the Greek Street bridge and the options being considered.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve delegation of authority to Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with S151 and Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration approval to enter into a delivery agreement with Network Rail to progress optioneering, appraisal and design of the enhanced option, the estimated cost is up to £0.5m to be funded by Transforming Cities Fund 2.
(2) Approve Council officers to work with officers from TfGM to seek approval for an appropriate release of development funding including from the identified £7m Transforming Cities Fund 2.
Officer Contact: Mark Glynn on 0161 474 3700 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress with the scheme to replace the Greek Street bridge and the options being considered.
Further clarity was requested with regard to the decision-making in relation to the options contained within the report, with specific regard to the proposal to replace the bridge ‘life-for-like’. In response it was stated that the commitment to bring Metrolink to Stockport was reflected within the proposals and such was future-proofed and would ensure the longevity of Stockport Station.
Concern was also expressed in relation to the potential impact the necessary works might have on the local highway network and importance of putting in place traffic management measures that were sensitive to both the location and local residents.
RESOLVED - (1) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the S151 Officer and the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration approval to enter into a delivery agreement with Network Rail to progress optioneering, appraisal and design of the enhanced option, the estimated cost is up to £0.5m to be funded by Transforming Cities Fund 2.
(2) That approval be given to Council officers working with officers from TfGM to seek approval for an appropriate release of development funding including from the identified £7m Transforming Cities Fund 2. |
Stockport Business Improvement District (BID) Ballot 2021 (E&R65) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report outlines the process for Stockport Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) to carry out a ballot in October 2021 and explains the specific role of the Council and its responsibilities in relation to the ballot.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to:
(i) On the basis of the draft Business Plan, the Council would not wish to veto the BID proposals. Note: the Council is not required to formally agree any BID proposal, rather it can only veto BID proposals if they are contrary to formally adopted and published Council policy.
(ii) That, subject to agreeing not to veto the final proposals, the Chief Executive as Returning Officer and “Ballot Holder” agrees to hold a ballot for the proposed Stockport Town Centre BID, upon receipt of a formal request to do so by Stockport BID.
(iii) Casts the Council’s vote in the BID Ballot should it take place.
(2) If the Ballot takes place and is successful, agree to:
(i) Allocate annual funds to cover the Council’s obligations arising from the BID levy over the life of the BID (5 years).
(ii) Agree to annually pass on to the BID Company the total value of the funds collected through the levy.
Officer Contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the process for the Stockport Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) to carry out a ballot in October 2021 and the specific role of the Council and its responsibilities in relation to the ballot.
RESOLVED - (1) That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to:-
(i) On the basis of the draft Business Plan, the Council would not wish to veto the BID proposals. Note: the Council is not required to formally agree any BID proposal, rather it can only veto BID proposals if they are contrary to formally adopted and published Council policy. (ii) That, subject to agreeing not to veto the final proposals, the Chief Executive as Returning Officer and “Ballot Holder” agrees to hold a ballot for the proposed Stockport Town Centre BID, upon receipt of a formal request to do so by Stockport BID. (iii) Casts the Council’s vote in the BID Ballot should it take place.
(2) That should the Ballot takes place and be successful, it be agreed to:-
(i) Allocate annual funds to cover the Council’s obligations arising from the BID levy over the life of the BID (5 years). (ii) Agree to annually pass on to the BID Company the total value of the funds collected through the levy. |
High Lane Neighbourhood Plan (E&R69) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report sets out the key progress on the High Lane Village Neighbourhood Plan and the next stages in the process before it formally becomes part of the development plan for Stockport.
The Cabinet is requested to recommended that the Council Meeting:-
(1) Approves the final version of the High Lane Village Neighbourhood Plan (HLVNP) and the Independent Examiner’s report;
(2) Authorises officers to take the necessary steps to conduct a referendum in the Neighbourhood Area;
(3) Approves that, in the event that a majority of eligible votes are in favour, the HLVNP be adopted as part of the local development plan.
Officer Contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the progress on the High Lane Village Neighbourhood Plan and the next stages in the process before it formally becomes part of the development plan for Stockport.
RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to:-
(1) Approve the final version of the High Lane Village Neighbourhood Plan (HLVNP) and the Independent Examiner’s report;
(2) Authorise officers to take the necessary steps to conduct a referendum in the Neighbourhood Area;
(3) Approve that, in the event that a majority of eligible votes are in favour, the HLVNP be adopted as part of the local development plan. |
The Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy (SS17) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an overview of the proposed Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy and requests comment and support for that strategy. The report also identifies the implications of the proposed approach for Stockport residents.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Endorse and approve the Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Charging Strategy and request that officers work with TfGM and the schemes commercial partners to identify more sites in Stockport whilst acknowledging there is a financial impact if more spaces in Council owned carparks are changed to electric vehicle charging bays.
(2) That the Corporate Director (Place) be requested to support the introduction of appropriate regulations to discourage people overstaying their time in these charging bays and also to ensure an appropriate balance of general parking provision is maintained.
Officer Contact: Mark Glynn on 0161 474 3700 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an overview of the proposed Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy.
It was commented that there were parts of the borough that had high levels of terraced housing where it was not practical for householders to install electric vehicle charging points, and that by providing an increased number of public charging points, it would encourage the uptake of electric vehicles amongst those who would otherwise not be able to access them.
RESOLVED - (1) That the Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Charging Strategy be endorsed and approved and it be requested that officers work with TfGM and the schemes’ commercial partners to identify more sites in Stockport whilst acknowledging there was a financial impact if more spaces in Council owned carparks were changed to electric vehicle charging bays.
(2) That the Corporate Director (Place) be requested to support the introduction of appropriate regulations to discourage people overstaying their time in these charging bays and also to ensure an appropriate balance of general parking provision is maintained. |
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Care & Health.
The report details the system review of the Council's approach to Prevention and Early Help, by providing a cohesive all age offer. The offer for adults builds on the previous work undertaken with the voluntary sector and other partners in 2014. Fundamental to this work is to create the right conditions to allow us to work together with communities, partners and others to promote and enable independence, wellbeing and quality of life for our residents.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Note the contents of this report and provide comment/ feedback;
(2) Agree the recommendation to proceed to the procurement stage for this commissioning exercise
(3) Agree the recommendation for approval to award the contracts upon completion of the procurement exercises is delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care (DASS) or for Public Health specific contracts to the Director of Public Health.
Officer contact: Vincent Fraga, 0161 474 4401, , or Alison Leigh, Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Adult Care & Health (Councillor Jude Wells) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the system review of the Council's approach to Prevention and Early Help, by providing a cohesive all age offer.
RESOLVED - (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That approval be given to proceed to the procurement stage for this commissioning exercise.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care (DASS), or for Public Health specific contracts to the Director of Public Health, for the award of contracts upon completion of the procurement exercises. |
General Items Additional documents: |
Public Health Recommissioning: Sexual Health Contract To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Care & Health.
The report outlines the proposed approach to the re-commissioning of the Integrated Sexual Health service in Stockport.
The Cabinet is recommended to give approval to go out to tender on the basi identified in the report and that the approval to award the contract is delegated to the Director of Public Health in line with her duties in terms of managing the Council’s Public Health functions and delegation to enter into contracts, following consultation with the appropriate Cabinet member.
Officer contact: Jennifer Connolly on 0161 474 2442 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Adult Care & Health (Councillor Jude Wells) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposed approach to the re-commissioning of the Integrated Sexual Health service in Stockport
RESOLVED - That approval be given to go out to tender on the basis identified in the report and that the approval to award the contract be delegated to the Director of Public Health in line with her duties in terms of managing the Council’s Public Health functions and delegation to enter into contracts, following consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member. |
Corporate Performance and Resources - Annual Report 2020/21 To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commisioning & Governance.
The Annual Corporate Performance and Resource Report (CPRR) provides a summary of progress in delivering the Council’s priority outcomes and budget in the second half of the financial year, with a particular focus on the fourth quarter of 2020/21 (January – March 2021) and up to the end of May where possible.
The report reflects the 2020/21 Council Plan, MTFP and Portfolio priorities. It includes additional priorities and delivery plans developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. A short Budget Monitoring update was produced for Quarter 3 and presented to Cabinet in February and CRMG Scrutiny in April.
Cabinet is asked to:
a) Review progress against delivering council priorities and capital schemes alongside budget and performance out-turns contained within the report; b) Note the key achievements against Shared Priorities (Exec Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2020/21 (Section 1); c) Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit out-turn positions for 2020/21 as set out in section 3.3; d) Note the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund outturn positions as set out in sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7; e) Note the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.8 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as at 31 March 2021; f) Note the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic set out in section 3.9; g) Note the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in Section 3.10; h) Note the update on the production of the council’s 2020/21 Annual Statement of Accounts set out in section 3.11; i) Approve the delegation for changes to the outturn, reserves and/or balances position to the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Director – Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance. j) Note the position for the 2020/21 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1; k) Note the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in 4.2; l) Approve the proposals for resourcing and additional resources required for the Capital Programme as set out in 4.2.3; m) Approve the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3; n) Approve the 2020/21 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4; and o) Identify key areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any existing or outturn issues or risks.
Officer contact: Peter Owston on 0161 474 3274 or email or Jonathan Davies on telephone number Tel: 0161 218 1025 or email Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Corporate Performance and Resources Annual Report 2020/21 setting out the delivery of the Council’s priority outcomes and budget since mid-year, with a particular focus on the fourth and final quarter.
RESOLVED – That it be agreed to:-
· Note the key achievements against Shared Priorities (Exec Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2020/21 (Section 1); · Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit out-turn positions for 2020/21 as set out in section 3.3; · Note the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund outturn positions as set out in sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7; · Note the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.8 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as at 31 March 2021; · Note the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic set out in section 3.9; · Note the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in Section 3.10; · Note the update on the production of the council’s 2020/21 Annual Statement of Accounts set out in section 3.11; · Approve the delegation for changes to the outturn, reserves and/or balances position to the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Director – Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance. · Note the position for the 2020/21 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1; · Note the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in 4.2; · Approve the proposals for resourcing and additional resources required for the Capital Programme as set out in 4.2.3; · Approve the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3; and · Approve the 2020/21 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4. |
Annual complaints report 2020-2021 To consdier a report of the Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement.
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of complaints received by the council and the lessons learnt from complaints in 2020-21. This report includes complaints received by the local authority that are managed by the complaints service. The scope of complaints included in this report covers:
· Corporate complaints · Schools' complaints · Adults social care complaints · Children’s social care complaints
This report also summarises complaints about Stockport Homes.
The Cabinet is invited to:-
· Review performance information contained in this report, and · Comment on the performance measures reported and suggest any additional information that might be collected in future.
Officer contact: Kirsteen Roe on 0161 474 3376 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement (Councillor David Sedgwick) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Cabinet with an overview of complaints, as at the end of 2020/21, including a comparison with the previous year and any lessons learnt from these complaints.
RESOLVED – That performance in relation to the complaints received in 2020/21 be noted. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies To consider a report of the Leader of the Council.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
· approve the appointment or nomination for appointment of Council representatives to outside and associated bodies for 2021/22, as set out in the attached Schedule; · authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant party group leader, to finalise the schedule of appointments and nominations prior to the next ordinary Cabinet Meeting.
Officer contact: Damian Eaton on 0161 474 3207or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to consider nominations of councillors to serve on outside bodies
RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the appointment or nomination for appointment of Council representatives to outside and associated bodies for 2021/22, as set out in the attached Schedule
(2) That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant party group leader, to finalise the schedule of appointments and nominations prior to the next ordinary Cabinet Meeting on 21 September 2021. |
To consider a report of the Leader of the Council
The Cabinet is invited to note the decisions of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) held on 28 May 2021.
Officer contact: Damian Eaton on 0161 474 3207 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Policy, Finance & Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out decisions taken the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) on 28 May 2021.
RESOLVED – That the decisions be noted. |
Performance and Budget Monitoring Additional documents: |
Portfolio Performance and Resources - Agreements 2021/22 To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Leader and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance.
The seven Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements (PPRAs) for 2021/22 have been considered by the last cycle of Scrutiny Committees. These reflect the policy priorities for 2021/22 set out within the Council Plan, which was adopted at the Budget Council Meeting in February.
The agreements will form the basis for regular in-year reporting. Portfolio and Corporate Performance and Resource Reports (PPRRs and CPRRs) will assess progress against key objectives, priorities, outcomes and budgets, enabling Scrutiny Committees to hold the Cabinet to account and for the Cabinet to identify current and future risks to delivery.
Following consideration and comment by Scrutiny, final versions of the Portfolio Agreements are now presented to the Cabinet for approval.
The Cabinet is recommended to gfive approval to the 2021/22 Portfolio Agreements included at Appendices 1-7 to the report.
Officer Contacts: Holly Rae/Jonathan Davies on 0161 474 3014/0161 218 1025 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to consider the draft Portfolio Agreements for 2021/22 that reflected the policy priorities for 2021/22 set out within the Council Plan which was adopted at the Budget Council Meeting in February.
RESOLVED – That the 2021/22 Portfolio Agreements included at Appendix 1 to the report be approved. |
To consider recommendations of Scrutiny Committees On:-
(a) Matters (if any) referred to the Cabinet Meeting
(b) Any called-in Cabinet Executive Decisions Additional documents: Minutes: There were no recommendations to consider. |
Items 'Not for Publication' Additional documents: |
Health Visiting and School Nurses and Family Nurse Partnership To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services & Education.
The report provides details of a proposed extension until 31 March 2022 of the contract between the Council and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the provision of health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnership services and also describes an indicative timeline of the next steps, to ensure that Stockport continues to receive a high quality service, new policy guidance is incorporated into the service and disruption to business is minimised.
(NOTE: This item includes a ‘not for publication’ appendix that has been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
The Cabinet is recommended to give approval to the extension to 2022 of the contract between the Council and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the provision of health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnership service due to its potential financial value across the two years of the extension and the previous spend under what was intended to be a 1 year contract only.
Officer contact: Carolyn Anderson, Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services & Education (Councillor Colin Foster) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to extend until 31 March 2022 the contract between the Council and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the provision of health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnership services and details of an indicative timeline of the next steps, to ensure that Stockport continues to receive a high quality service.
(NOTE: This item included a ‘not for publication’ appendix that had been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
RESOLVED - That approval be given to the extension to 2022 of the contract between the Council and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in relation to the provision of health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnership service due to its potential financial value across the two years of the extension and the previous spend under what was intended to be a 1 year contract only. |
Stockport Interchange (E&R61)
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report provides an update to Members on the progress made on the Stockport Interchange scheme since the previous report to the Cabinet in February 2020.
(NOTE: This item includes a ‘not for publication’ appendix that has been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
The Cabinet is recommended to:
(1) Agree to the Council patient equity investment set out in Confidential Appendix Three of this report;
(2) Approve the entry by the Council into a legal structure with GMCA and CityRise to govern the funding, delivery and ongoing management and operation of the residential development;
(3) Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to enter into all legal documentation required to deliver the project and to take the necessary steps to implement the strategy set out in this report;
(4) Approve the acquisition of the land at Exchange Street on the terms set out in Confidential Appendix Four;
(5) Delegate authority to the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions.
Officer Contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress made on the Stockport Interchange scheme since the previous report to the Cabinet in February 2020.
(NOTE: This item included a ‘not for publication’ appendix that had been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
RESOLVED - (1) That agreement be given to the Council patient equity investment set out in Confidential Appendix Three of this report;
(2) That approval be given to the entry by the Council into a legal structure with GMCA and CityRise to govern the funding, delivery and ongoing management and operation of the residential development;
(3) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration to enter into all legal documentation required to deliver the project and to take the necessary steps to implement the strategy set out in this report;
(4) That approval be given the acquisition of the land at Exchange Street on the terms set out in Confidential Appendix Four;
(5) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance) to do all things necessary or incidental to the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions. |
MDC Investment Framework (E&R67)
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The Mayoral Development Corporation has commissioned Deloitte Real Estate to develop a comprehensive investment framework in consultation with the Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Transport for Greater Manchester, and the Stockport MDC Board. The investment framework proposes a number of investment sources and opportunities which have the potential to increase the MDC’s investment capacity, involve a range of public and private sector partners, and enable the Council to leverage the investment it had already committed to the regeneration of both Town Centre West and the wider Town Centre.
(NOTE: This item includes a ‘not for publication’ appendix that has been circulated to members of the Cabinet only).
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation Investment Framework.
(2) Authorise officers to progress the work required to secure future investment in Stockport Town Centre regeneration.
Officer Contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Devolution (Councillor Elise Wilson) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the proposed Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation Investment Framework.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation Investment Framework.
(2) That officers be authorised to progress the work required to secure future investment in Stockport Town Centre regeneration. |