Voting record

 Council Meeting, Thursday, 31st March, 2022 6.00 pm

Item: A6- M60 Relief Road

A6 - M60 Relief Road:

Motion status:Rejected

This Council Meeting notes the previous commitment by Stockport Council to the A6 to M60 bypass.


This Council Meeting also notes it’s previous resolution and the Cabinet Decision to develop the Strategic Outline Business Case by taking the next steps in development work, including seeking funding for feasibility work, towards the Outline Business Case Stage.


This Council Meeting further notes the Council failed to secure funding for the next steps in putting together the feasibility studies and outline business case that could lead to construction funding and has not published or adopted a final version of the refreshed South East Manchester Multi-Modal Study (SEMMMS) since it was consulted on in 2018.


This Council Meeting recognises the continued detrimental impact of the A6 on the lives, prosperity and success of Hazel Grove and its residents. The A6 forms a major severance for Hazel Grove and the heavy traffic and frequency of heavy goods vehicles travelling at speed adjacent to pavements which are, in places, relatively narrow is a serious deterrent to use of the local centre.

This Council Meeting also regrets the absence of any reference to the A6 to M60 link road in the recent Stockport Economic Plan, given its potential and strategic significance.


This Council Meeting therefore;  


·         Restates its commitment to seek funding and work towards the development of the Outline Business Case for the A6 to M60 relief road link;

·         Requests the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director for Place Management provide an update at the next round of scrutiny on progress with the relief road, funding options and opportunities and progress with the final updated SEMMMS strategy and adoption; and

·         Requests that the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) and the Director of Place Management ensure that given its strategic significance the continued commitment to the A6 to M60 link relief road is included in the Stockport Economic Strategy before the final version comes back to scrutiny in June.


Councillor Graham Greenhalgh For