Issue details

Portfolio Performance and Resources - Annual Reports 2016/17

The Annual Portfolio Performance and Resource Reports (PPRRs) for the Adult Social Care and Health Portfolios are presented for consideration by the Committee. These provide a summary of progress in delivering the portfolio priorities, reform programme and other key projects since the final update report, with a focus on the fourth quarter of the year (January to March). They include out-turn performance and financial data (where this is available) for the Portfolios, along with an update on the portfolio savings programmes.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 13 Jun 2017 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Councillor (Adult Social Care), Executive Councillor (Health)

Lead director: Corporate Director for People

Department: Corporate and Support Services

Contact: Peter Owston, Corporate and Support Services Email: Tel: 0161 474 3274.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of call-in: Adults & Health

Agenda items


  • Portfolio Performance and Resources - Annual Reports 2016/17