
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent executive decisions that have been taken by the council’s executive decision making bodies, such as the Cabinet Meeting, individual Cabinet Members, Area Committees or the Council Meeting itself.

Decisions published

30/03/2020 - Reprofiling of Pooled Budget Contributions ref: 4430    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 03/04/2020

Effective from: 30/03/2020


On 17 March the Cabinet considered a report that set out a proposal to re-profile and realign pooled budget contributions between the Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) over the period 2019/20 – 2020/21.

Authority was approved to delegate the final per annum contribution levels, subject to the SCCG contribution being set at a minimum of £7.616m over the two years, to the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance.

The Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services, following discussion with SCCG and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, has now agreed that the full re-profiling would be actioned equating to an increase in the Council’s contribution in 2019/20 of £3.808m with a corresponding reduction in 2020/21.

The Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance was consulted on and supported the proposed approach.


(NOTE: A report contained information ‘not for publication’ that has been circulated to decision maker only.)

Lead officer: Michael Cullen

09/03/2020 - Manchester Airport Car Park Investment – C-share structure ref: 4424    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Borough Treasurer

Decision published: 01/04/2020

Effective from: 09/03/2020


The Chief Finance Officer and Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal, Democratic Governance and Estate and Asset Management) have made the following decisions in line with the delegation from the Cabinet  on 5 February 2019:-


(1)  The Chief Finance Officer and Strategic Head of Service (Legal and Democratic Governance) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources, Commissioning and Governance has given approval to the detailed terms of the contractual and commercial arrangements for the Council’s equity investment of £5.6m into Manchester Airports Holdings Ltd (‘MAHL’) and the new C-share structure in MAHL, as outlined in the body of this report.


(2)  The Strategic Head of Service (Legal and Democratic Governance) has authorised the execution and completion of the Subscription Agreement, the variation to the Shareholders’ Agreement, the variation to the Councils’ Agreement, and any other necessary ancillary documents or agreements to give effect to the transaction and recommendations as outlined in the body of this report.


(3)  The Chief Finance Officer has given approval to the detailed accounting arrangements and treatment of the C share investment.


(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to the decision maker only)

Lead officer: Vicki Bates

30/03/2020 - Investment Manchester Airport Group ref: 4425    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 01/04/2020

Effective from: 30/03/2020


The Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services has given approval to the recommendations contained in the report regarding the Council's Shareholder loan to MAG.

(NOTE: The report contains information ‘not for publication’ that has been circulated to decision maker only.)

The Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance, in addition to the Leader of the Council and Group Leaders were consulted on and supported the proposed approach.

Lead officer: Michael Cullen

26/03/2020 - Temporary suspension of parking charges ref: 4423    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Environment

Decision published: 26/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport has given consideration to a report detailing the ongoing impact of the current coronavirus pandemic with specific regard to the ability of the Council to continue to charge for parking in on-street and controlled public car parks throughout the borough.  The report also identified that one contractor associated with the Council’s parking operation has withdrawn their staff and others were now following suit


It was noted that the Council had received an increasing number of enquiries from NHS staff and other key-workers asking if they can park without charge during this period in line with some other authorities and NCP.


The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport has therefore given approval to a proposal to temporarily cease charging on all sites throughout the borough (to be reviewed regularly), have all parking equipment emptied of cash and turned off with signage indicating that no charge is required at present and leaving all sites in an accessible state so they can be used by keyworkers as required.


As soon as the Council’s contractors resume operations it is proposed to resume standard charging once again, which will be subject to a further approval by the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport.


This is a temporary measure, proportionate to the current threat caused by the Coronavirus and will be in place for as long as required to respond to the current situation, and will be reviewed in 3 months’ time, and at the end of each 3 month period thereafter, as necessary.

Lead officer: Greg Kenyon

25/03/2020 - Nomination of LA School Governor(s) ref: 4422    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education

Decision published: 26/03/2020

Effective from: 02/04/2020


The Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services & Education approved the nominated following person to the governing board vacancy at the school(s) indicated :-


Mr E Stephenson       Brookside Primary

Mr T Grundy               Whitehill Primary   

Lead officer: Pam Dunham

12/03/2020 - Park Event Application: Offerton 5 Mile Race - 17 June 2020 ref: 4416    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee has approved an application from Stockport Harriers and AC to hold the Offerton 5 Miles Race event in Woodbank Memorial Park and Vernon Park on 17 June 2020, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place and this being confirmed to the Ward Councillors.

Wards affected: Manor;

Lead officer: Kath Hughes

12/03/2020 - Park Event Application: Woodbank Memorial Park - Big Kid Circus - 18-20 September 2020 ref: 4417    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee has deferred an application from Big Kid Entertainment Ltd to hold its event (a non-animal circus) in Woodbank Memorial Park between 18-20 September 2020 to enable a consultative meeting to take place between residents, the organisers of the event and Ward Councillors to discuss residents’ concerns and to restrict the amount of fly posting in the area which would advertise the event.

Wards affected: Manor;

Lead officer: Kath Hughes

12/03/2020 - Park Event Application: Heaton Norris Park Funday - 18 July 2020 ref: 4418    For Determination

The Area Committee has approved an application from the Friends of Heaton Norris Park to hold a Summer Fun Day on 18 July 2020 from 12 noon to 4,00pm.

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee has approved an application from the Friends of Heaton Norris Park to hold a Summer Fun Day on 18 July 2020 from 12 noon to 4,00pm.

Wards affected: Brinnington & Central;

12/03/2020 - Hempshaw Lane, Offerton - Traffic Regulation Orders ref: 4414    For Determination

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee was minded to approve the following part of the amended Traffic Regulation Orders on Hempshaw Lane, Offerton, to be funded by the developer:-


No Waiting at Any Time:


Hattersby Lane


Both sides from the Northerly kerb-line of Hempshaw Lane for a distance of 10 metres in a Northerly direction (to tie in with existing restrictions).


 Sydney Street


Both sides from the Northerly kerb line of Hempshaw Lane for a distance of 5 metres  in a North Easterly direction.


 Hempshaw Lane


North side from a point 1.5 metres West of the North Westerly kerb line of Sydney Street in an Easterly direction to a point 5 metres East of the South Easterly kerb line of Sydney Street.



The Area Committee further approved the statutory legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order be approved and, subject to no objections being received within twenty one days from the advertisement date, the Order be made.


The Area Committee noted that an additional part of the Traffic Regulation Order had been approved by the Stepping Hill Area Committee on 10 March 2020.

Wards affected: Manor;

Lead officer: Max Townsend

12/03/2020 - Charles Street, Stockport - Traffic Regulation Orders ref: 4415    For Determination

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee was minded to approve the following part of the amended Traffic Regulation Order on Charles Street, Stockport to be funded by the developer:-


Proposed Revocation of Traffic Regulation Order – No Waiting At Any Time


Charles Street – North West side from the Westerly kerbline of Christie Street for a distance of 123 metres in a South Westerly direction.


Charles Street – South East side from the Westerly kerbline of Christie Street for a distance of 90 metres in a South Westerly direction.


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – No Waiting At Any Time


Charles Street – North West side from the Westerly kerbline of Christie Street for a distance of 10 metres in a South Westerly direction and from a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerbline of Fedora Close to a point 10 metres South West of the South Westerly kerbline of Fedora Close.


Charles Street – South East side from the Westerly kerbline of Christie Street for a distance of 10 metres in a South Westerly direction and from a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerbline of Gatsby Crescent to a point 10 metres South West of the South Westerly kerbline of Gatsby Crescent.


Fedora Close – Both sides from the North Westerly kerbline of Charles Street for a distance of 5 metres in a North Westerly direction.


Gatsby Crescent – Both sides from the South Easterly kerbline of Charles Street for a distance of 12 metres in a South Easterly direction.


Christie Street – East Side from the South Easterly kerbline of Charles Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction.


The Area Committee further approved the statutory legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order and, subject to no objections being received within twenty one days from the advertisement date, the Order be made.



Wards affected: Manor;

Lead officer: Vivian Butterworth

12/03/2020 - Woodlands Drive, Ilfracombe Road and Elder Close, Offerton - No Waiting At Any Time Traffic Regulation Order ref: 4420    For Determination

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


The Area Committee was minded to approve the following No Waiting at Any Time Traffic Regulation Order on Woodlands Drive, Ilfracombe Road and Elder Close, Offerton, at a cost of £800 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Manor Ward allocation):-


No Waiting At Any Time


Elder Close


Both sidesfrom the South Easterly kerb line of Woodlands Drive for a distance of10 metres in a South Easterly direction.


Woodlands Drive


South East sidefrom a point 1.9 metres South West of the South Westerly kerb line of Elder Close to a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerb line of Elder Close.


North West sidefrom the North Easterly kerb line of Ilfracombe Road for a distance of 10 metres in a North Easterly direction.


Ilfracombe Road


North East sidefrom the North Westerly kerb line of Woodlands Drive for a

distance of 10 metres in a North Westerly direction (to tie in with above).


(Note: For the sake of clarity the schedule includes those parts approved previously at the meeting of the Area Committee on 18 July 2019).


The Area Committee further approved the statutory legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order and, subject to no objections being received within twenty one days from the advertisement date, that the Order be made.


Wards affected: Manor;

Lead officer: Max Townsend

12/03/2020 - St Petersgate, Stockport: Parking Bay - Traffic Regulation Order ref: 4419    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Central Stockport Area Committee

Made at meeting: 12/03/2020 - Central Stockport Area Committee

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 27/03/2020


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) setting out a proposal to resolve an anomaly with a parking bay on St. Petersgate in Stockport Town Centre.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport be recommended to approve the following Traffic Regulation Order, at a cost of £900 to be funded from the Strategic Network Budget, and, subject to no objections being received within twenty one days from the advertisement date, the Order be made:-


Revoke Goods Vehicles Loading Only


St Petersgate


South East side - from a point 5 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Lawrence Street for a distance of 17 metres in a north easterly direction.


Introduce Pay and Display Parking. Maximum Stay 1 Hour Monday to Saturday 8am – 6pm


St Petersgate


South East side - from a point 5 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Lawrence Street for a distance of 17 metres in a north easterly direction.

Wards affected: Brinnington & Central;

Lead officer: Max Townsend

17/03/2020 - Mayoral Development Corporation Investment Facility - Amendment to Cabinet Decision of 1 October 2019 ref: 4413    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet has previously given its approval the creation of a strategic investment facility at its meeting on 1 October 2019 to support investment which could kick start the regeneration of the Town Centre West area.  This was published as an executive decision with the reference CAB191.


As the Council has worked through potential investment opportunities in line with the principles set out in the October report, it has become clear that the wording of the delegation for the approval of investments did not allow for equity or grant investment to be approved.


The Cabinet has therefore given approval to the amendment of its previous decision, and has agreed that authority be delegated to the Borough Treasurer and Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Resources, Commissioning, & Governance, Economy & Regeneration and for Sustainable Stockport, for the appraisal, due diligence, and approval of individual investment agreements (including but not limited to land assembly, loan, equity, and grant agreements) on a scheme-by-scheme basis.


The remaining elements of decision reference CAB191 in response to the

recommendations in paragraphs 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 of the October report remain unaffected by this amendment and decision as do the context, rationale, and investment principles set out in the main body of the October report.

Lead officer: Michael Cullen

17/03/2020 - Stockport's Social Value Charter ref: 4410    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet has approved and adopted the Social Value Charter.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Holly Rae

17/03/2020 - Stockport Climate Emergency Strategy ref: 4407    Recommendations Approved

This report provides an overview of a proposed strategy for Stockport to meet its climate obligations, covering all aspects of the Council and Borough, as well as making it clear that tackling climate change will require every stakeholder in Stockport to play their part: Council, residents, businesses and communities.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet has approved and adopted the Stockport Climate Emergency Strategy.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Glynn

17/03/2020 - Reprofiling of Pooled Budget Contributions ref: 4412    Recommendations Approved

To agree a reprofile of pooled budget contributions between the Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet has considered a report detailing a proposal to re-profile and realign pooled budget contributions between the Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group over the period 2019/20 – 2020/21 and has given approval to a two year funding agreement, as set out in the report, with the final per annum contribution levels delegated to the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Cullen

17/03/2020 - Proposed Amendments to the Council's Constitution ref: 4411    For Determination

The [xxxx] will be asked to consider and recommend the proposals contained in the report which have been agreed by the Constitution Working Party at various meetings throughout the municipal year 2019/2021.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 17/03/2020


The Cabinet has considered a schedule of proposed amendments to various sections of the Constitution and has recommended that the Council Meeting gives approval to the those amendments.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Vicki Bates

17/03/2020 - Prudential Borrowing Request - Stockport School ref: 4405    Recommendations Approved

To consider a request from Stockport School for a LA prudential borrowing loan to finance the schools contribution towards the costs of a joint LA/School capital scheme to increase capacity and address school condition issues

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet considered and approved a request from Stockport School for a £0.659m Prudential Borrowing Loan to finance their contribution towards the cost of a joint Local Authority/ School capital scheme to address urgent and key health and safety issues and other conditional aspects of the school building on the terms detailed in the report.

Wards affected: Stepping Hill;

Lead officer: Peter Hughes

17/03/2020 - Asset Management Plan Capital Programme 2020/21-2024/25 ref: 4408    For Determination

The Cabinet is requested to consider the report, to note the progress of the 2019/20 Asset Management Plan capital programme, approve the programme of work for inclusion in the 2020/21 financial year and note the indicative programme up to 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet considered a proposed Asset Management Plan (AMP) Capital Programme for the period 2020/21 to 2024/25 that would be used to prioritise upgrade work and improvements to buildings within the Council’s operational estate, and agreed that:-


·         approval be given to the implementation of the updated Asset Management Plan Capital programme for 2020/21 and the financing thereof, and the Indicative AMP programme for up to 2025, as set out in the report.

·         approval be given to the application of corporate resources to fund the AMP programme 2020/21 to 2024/2025; with the application of funding types (capital receipts and borrowing) being delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in conjunction with the Estates Capital Board (ECB).

·         the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to award construction contracts as required to deliver the works programme.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Charlotte Cordingley

17/03/2020 - Proposal to TUPE staff from partner agencies to Stockport as host of Adoption Counts Regional Adoption Agency ref: 4409    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to set out the business case for the TUPE of non-Stockport staff currently seconded to Adoption Counts Regional Adoption Agency, to Stockport, and to gain agreement for consultation to begin in the 4 partner local authorities.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet has given consideration to the business case for the proposal to TUPE staff currently employed across the four partner local authorities in the Adoption Counts Regional Adoption Agency to Stockport and has given approval to the transfer of the currently seconded staff to Stockport Council through the application of TUPE regulations subject to all parties agreeing to the revised Integrated Services Agreement and schedules, on the basis identified in the report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Karen Topham, Sue Westwood

17/03/2020 - Developing and procuring a new delivery partnership for Active Communities post April 2022 ref: 4406    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval for a new approach to a delivery partnership for the Active Communities Strategy following the end of current arrangements with Life Leisure in March 2022 and authorisation to commence the pre-procurement process.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


The Cabinet considered an update on the implementation of the Active Communities Strategy which was previously approved by Cabinet in June 2019 and has:-


·         Noted progress on implementation of the Active Communities Strategy.

·         Delegated authority to the Corporate Directors for Place Management and Regeneration and Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport to commence developing the procurement strategy in line with the approach outlined in this report and proposals for the procurement route and final timescales.

·         Authorise the Corporate Directors for Place Management and Regeneration and Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport to commence the pre-market engagement in relation to the procurement exercise to inform the development of specifications.

·         Noted the forthcoming indoor leisure investment strategy and the potential requirement for future capital investment.

·         Noted progress on work to develop options for a replacement leisure and community facility in Marple and the potential requirement for future capital investment.

·         Requested the Corporate Directors for Place Management and Regeneration and Corporate and Support Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport report back at appropriate points of the process and in the event of any significant departures from the indicative timescales detailed in this report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jennifer Connolly, Paul Richards