Issue - decisions

Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust

15/09/2021 - Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust

The Area Committee, acting in its capacity as trustee of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, has:-


·         Noted the contents of the report;

·         Formally adopted the Financial Accounts of the Trust for the year ended 31 March 2021, attached as Appendix One to the report;

·         Reaffirmed its previous decisions to allocate £75,000 from the Trust to support projects from voluntary and community groups which aim to:-

- reduce loneliness for people aged 50 years or older (to include both enhancement of existing projects as well as new projects); and

- support voluntary groups for children and young people, young carers, addressing loneliness amongst children and young people, and supporting sports groups for people of all ages.

·         Retained the current investment policy.