Issue - decisions

Transportation Capital Programme 2020/21

16/03/2020 - Transportation Capital Programme 2020/21

The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration has approved the Transportation Capital Programme for 2020/21.


The transportation capital programme is funded from a variety of sources including Local Transport Plan (LTP) funding via the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, specific grants from Government including pot hole funding, and individual scheme bids e.g. the Mayors Walking and Cycling Fund, Town Centre Access Plan (TCAP) and A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road (A6MARR). Schemes are also funded by developers via the section 106 and 278 processes. The Council is also using prudential borrowing to fund both the Highways Investment Programme (HIP) and the Street Lighting LED Investment Programme.


The report was supported by the Economy & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 10 March 2020.