Issue - decisions

Proposed A6 & Heaton Lane Junction Changes and Heaton Lane Busway – Consultation Report

10/02/2020 - Proposed A6 & Heaton Lane Junction Changes and Heaton Lane Busway – Consultation Report

The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration has considered and given approval to a proposal to implement further measures to enhance bus routing and sustainable accessibility at the A6/ Heaton Lane junction which includes changes to the A6 / Heaton Lane junction and the introduction of a Busway with ‘bus gates’ on Heaton Lane, and has given approval to the implementation of the updated proposals (as shown on the drawings at Appendix F of the report) and to the legal advertising of the associated package of Traffic Regulation Orders (as detailed in Appendix G of the report), and subject to the receipt of no objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the Orders.


The Central Stockport Area Committee supported the proposals.