Issue - decisions

Award of Property Energy Contracts

20/11/2019 - Award of Property Energy Contracts

The Deputy Chief Executive has approved, under the general delegations to Corporate Directors provided under Appendix 9 of the Council Constitution, the awarding of energy supply contracts for properties in the Single Property Budget (SPB) Operational Estate, some non-SPB sites, some Life Leisure and the schools that buy back into the Stockport MBC energy offer as follows:

• Three year contract for non-half hourly electricity to Total Gas & Power under the ESPO Framework
• Three year contract for gas to Gazprom under the Manchester City Council Framework
• Three year contract for half hourly electricity to Npower under the YPO Framework

The Deputy Chief Executive has further approved that should the wholesale prices have moved significantly to alter quotations at the point of contract award, then approval is given to entering into contracts with the next most economically advantageous supplier from the frameworks outlined in the confidential report.

Quotations were sought through the following framework agreement suppliers,
• Manchester City Council (MCC)
• Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO)
• Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)

In line with the Council’s Environmental Policy and its committment to promoting the importance of renewable energy and reducing its carbon footprint and CO2 emissions, each supplier provided quotes to include guaranteed green energy based on 100% percentage of renewable energy sources.

(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to the decision maker only)