Issue - decisions

The Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan

29/03/2019 - The Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan

The Cabinet has considered a report on Greater Manchester’s feasibility study and its Outline Business Case to reduce nitrogen dioxide exceedances in Stockport and across Greater Manchester and has:-


a)      noted that the Council is legally obliged to produce a feasibility study to identify the option that will deliver compliance with the requirement to meet legal limits for nitrogen dioxide following the Secretary of State issuing a direction under the Environment Act 1995;

b)      adopted the feasibility study undertaken to date;

c)      noted that further stakeholder engagement and public consultation was an essential part of the process to help inform and refine ongoing work to produce a Full Business Case by the end of the calendar year;

d)      approved the OBC (for submission to the government's Joint Air Quality Unit);

e)      required Government to provide the financial support necessary to enable the Council to meet its legal limits for nitrogen dioxide;

f)       noted that despite this Council being required to address nitrogen oxide exceedances the Government has not yet addressed this issue for its own assets, including Highways England and the motorway network;

g)      approved the commencement of the public conversation and engagement activity from 15 May 2019;

h)      noted that further reports would be submitted to Cabinet on:

-        the proposals for statutory consultation, informed by the outcome of the public conversation and engagement; and

-        formal approval of the Full Business Case.

i)       agreed that Transport for Greater Manchester continue with the activity to produce the Full Business Case on their behalf under the direction of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Steering Group; and

j)        delegated to the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health the approval of submission of supplementary information.