Issue - decisions

National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) A560 Cheadle/Cheadle Heath Corridor

05/10/2018 - National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) A560 Cheadle/Cheadle Heath Corridor

The Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing considered the outcome of a consultation on proposed package of measures on the A560 corridor to provide congestion relief, enhance access to employment, improve bus reliability, safety and facilitate active travel to be funded from the Department for Transport.


The Cabinet Member has approved the measures contained within the report/developed drawings contained in Appendix E and the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders and the sections of footpath with permissive cycling rights to be dedicated as set out in Appendix I, and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date the Orders and dedication of footpaths with permissive cycling rights being made.