Issue - decisions

School Organisation Proposals for Offerton Hall Nursery School and Dial Park Primary School

19/02/2018 - School Organisation Proposals for Offerton Hall Nursery School and Dial Park Primary School

At its meeting on 19 December, the Council’s Cabinet considered consultation feedback on proposals to discontinue Offerton Hall Nursery School with effect from 31 August 2018 and reduce the lower age limit of Dial Park Primary School to accommodate a nursery class with effect from 1 September 2018.

The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority for the final decisions to the Corporate Director, Services to People, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education.

The Corporate Director, in consultation with the Cabinet Member has decided to approve the proposals to discontinue Offerton Hall Nursery School and reduce the lower age limit of Dial Park Primary School to accommodate a nursery class.

Reasons for Decision:

The proposal has been met with little resistance.

The Nursery School itself had brought to the attention of the Local Authority the difficulties it was facing in terms of its own sustainability.

Changes to funding of Early Years Provision are likely to have a negative impact on the Nursery School’s budget.

There will be no apparent change for parents, or for children attending the nursery provision and, there will be no reduction in the number of places, no reduction in provision, and the location will not change as nursery provision will remain in its current building.

It is acknowledged that when changes to access the nursery school building and to improve transition between the primary and nursery buildings are taken in account, there will be a positive impact on families and their children as they will benefit from enhanced provision through the creation of a campus at the Half Moon Lane site which would provide high quality, integrated education for pupils from 2-11 years of age as part of the same school.

The Local Authority will continue to provide effective support and challenge to impact on improved standards at the end of Early Years Foundation Stage.