Issue - decisions

Stockport Interchange Development and Stockport College Relocation

14/06/2017 - Stockport Interchange Development and Stockport College Relocation (E&R 7)

The Cabinet considered a proposal to undertake feasibility and viability work on a proposal to integrate the new Stockport Transport Interchange and Stockport College projects into a single scheme on the site of existing bus station and then agreed that:


·      the College Relocation and Interchange projects be combined and approved as a single scheme to deliver both a new town centre FE facility and a transport Interchange on the site of the existing bus station;

·      officers work with TfGM to consider whether a residential development can be integrated into the site, in addition to the college and the Interchange structure;

·      officers explore opportunities for an integrated park as part of the proposed development and improved linkages to the rail station including a bridge;

·      authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration, and Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Cabinet  Member for Economy and Regeneration, to complete feasibility, viability and design works with Stockport College and TfGM resulting in a planning application for a combined scheme;

·      authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration and Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration, to take such action as is necessary to deliver a combined scheme subject to reporting back to the Cabinet on the result of the further financial and legal implications and any revised planning decision prior to the Council developing and part funding the scheme.


(Note: the report contained information ‘not for publication’ that was circulated to cabinet members only)