Issue - decisions

Education Funding Settlement and local formula 2017/18

08/02/2017 - Education Funding Settlement and local formula 2017/18 (non-key)

The Executive considered key announcements made by the Department for Education on the education funding settlement for 2017/18, and the views of the Schools Forum and agreed that:-


(1) the details of the Education Funding Settlement for 2017/18 be noted;


(2) the amended early year’s local formula for 2017/18 as outlined in section 4.2 and summarised in the table in 7.2 of the report be approved; and,


(3) the continuation of the schools’ local funding formula at 2016/17 funding factor levels as outlined at section 4.9 and summarised in the table at section 7.2 of the report be approved, to form the basis of the calculation of school budgets and be notified to the Department for Education in accordance with statutory requirements.