Issue - decisions

Leader's Report

15/06/2016 - Leader's Report - June 2016

The Executive considered the report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Finance & Devolution) outlining the key priorities for the new Executive, and approved the following actions arising from the Corporate Performance and Resources Annual Report (CPRR):


·         virement to the Revenue Budget (set out in section 2.2.3 of the CPRR);

·         the approach to financing redundancy costs (2.6.2);

·         contributions to/from earmarked reserves and balances (2.9);

·         delegation of changes to the outturn, reserves and/or balances position that may arise from the audit of the statement of accounts (2.11) to the Borough Treasurer, in conjunction with the Leader of the Council;

·         changes to the Capital Programme (3.1.5); and

·         proposals for resourcing the Capital Programme (3.3).