Issue - decisions

Health and Social Care Transformation

15/07/2016 - Finalisation of the Section 75 Agreement

In accordance with the decision of the Executive made on 22 March 2016, the Corporate Director for Place and the Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Adult Social Care), (Health) and (Reform & Governance) have approved and signed the finalised S75 Agreement for the pooling of budgets between the Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group.

23/03/2016 - Stockport Together - Integrating Health and Social Care (LDR38)

The Executive considered an update on the development of the Stockport Together health and social care programme, including proposals for a revised Section 75 Agreement with NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group for an expanded pooled budget to support enhanced joint commissioning and the integration of services and then agreed that:-


·         progress that has been made on these matters be noted;

·         the comments made by scrutiny committee members at the extraordinary meeting on 10 March be noted and welcomed;

·         the approach to the Integrated Commissioning of health and social care set out in the report be approved and, subject to any further changes that may be made in discussions with health partners, the following also be approved:


·         the Council’s contribution to the pooled budget with the CCG for 2016/17 as set out in paragraph 3.3 and Appendix One;

·         the revised Section 75 Partnership Agreement with the CCG (Appendix Four)

·         the establishment and operation of the Health and Care Integrated Commissioning Board (HCICB) as set out in Appendix Three, and the appointment of Councillors Keith Holloway (Supporting Adults), John Pantall (Independence & Wellbeing) and Iain Roberts (Support & Governance) to the Board;

·         to amend the Executive Scheme of Delegation to allow the HCICB to discharge those functions currently exercisable by the Health and Wellbeing Integrated Commissioning Board (as set out in Part 3, Appendix 9, para 4 of the Constitution)

·         the Integrated Commissioning arrangements described in paragraphs 3.13-3.16

·         that the Council works in collaboration with the Stockport Together provider organisations and enters into the Memorandum of Understanding (Appendix Five)


·           authority be delegate to the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services (and the Borough Treasurer from 1 April 2016) and the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillors (Support & Governance) (Supporting Adults) and (Independence & Wellbeing), to make any changes that were necessary to enable the above arrangements / documents to be implemented as a result of further discussions and negotiations with health partners.