Issue - decisions

Proposal to Install a Gate to an Alleyway in Edgeley

14/11/2014 - Proposal to Install a Gate to an Alleyway in Edgeley

The Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) and (Communities & Sustainability) have approved the advertising of the proposals to make a Public Spaces Protection Order for the alleyway to the rear of / bordered by 58-64 Bloom Street & 1 Freemantle Street, Edgeley.

12/11/2014 - Proposal to Install a Gate to an Alleyway in Edgeley

Subject to the Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) and (Communities & Sustainability) agreeing to make a Public Spaces Protection Order to allow a gate to be erected at 58-64 Bloom Street and 1 Freemantle Street, Edgeley, the Area Committee has agreed to contribute a sum of £1500 from its Delegated Budget (Edgeley and Cheadle Heath Ward) in order to allow the gating scheme to be completed.