Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Plan: Investing in Stockport

17/12/2014 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16 - 2016/17 - Investing In Stockport - Executive Proposals

The Executive considered its proposed response to the updated financial forecasts for 2015/16 to 2018/19, including a report on the consultation activity undertaken on the draft Investing In Stockport Business Cases, as well as an Equality Impact Assessment and copies of the updated draft business cases, and then agreed that:


·                the indicative cash limit budget allocations outlined in appendix one and the proposed two year indicative budget for 2015-17 set out in appendix two be approved;

·                those proposals that were in Final Business Case format be approved and officers be requested to proceed to implementation for 2015/16;

·                where appropriate, the Draft Business Cases for implementation in 2015/16 return to Executive in February 2015 via the January cycle of Scrutiny Committees;

·                officers be requested continue to work on the detail of draft business cases for consideration at future Executive meetings with detailed plans for consultation and implementation in 2016/17;

·                the steps necessary to agree and reach a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 for presentation to the Council Budget meeting in February 2015 continue to be taken.

01/10/2014 - Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2015/16-2016/17, Investing In Stockport - Executive Proposals (LDR34)

The Executive considered feedback received from scrutiny committees in relation to the Investing In Stockport (IIS) business case working proposals and further revisions to those business cases, and then


·         agreed the updated indicative budget allocations and investment propositions set out in the report and the draft business cases;

·         endorsed the proposals for communicating and consulting on the Investing in Stockport programme outlined in section five of the report;

·         requested the Corporate Leadership Team and senior managers, in consultation with the relevant executive councillors, to continue the appropriate consultation exercises and to develop implementation plans to facilitate the delivery of the proposals contained in the draft business cases;

·         referred the draft business cases to the next round of scrutiny committee meetings; and

·         agreed that the steps necessary to agree a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 and an updated Medium Term Financial Plan to 2016/17 for presentation to the Council budget meeting in February 2015 continue to be taken.

13/08/2014 - Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2015/16 - 2016/17, Investing in Stockport - Executive Proposals (LDR34)

The Executive Meeting considered its response to the Medium Term Financial Forecast considered at the meeting on 15 July 2014 and has:


·         approved the indicative budget allocations and investment propositions set out in the report and associated business cases;

·         requested the Corporate Leadership Team and senior managers, in consultation with the relevant executive councillors, to undertake the appropriate consultation exercises and to development implementation plans, including impact and risk assessments, to facilitate the delivery of the proposals set out in the report;

·         agreed that, as appropriate, proposals be resubmitted for the Executive’s approval as consultation exercises were completed and/ or more detailed plans were prepared;

·         agreed to continue to take the steps necessary to agree a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 and an updated Medium Term Financial Plan to 2016/17 for presentation to the Budget Council Meeting

·         agreed to report to all scrutiny committees in the next cycle outlining the proposals relating to each committee’s remit.