Issue - decisions

Nominations to Outside Bodies

11/02/2015 - Appointment to Stockport Partnership Board

The Executive had approved the appointment of Councillor Sheila Bailey as one of the Council’s reserve members on the Stockport Partnership Board for the period until the first Executive Meeting in the 2015/16 Municipal Year.

18/06/2014 - Nominations to Outside Bodies 2014/15

The Executive Meeting has agreed that


·         the appointment or nomination for appointment of Council representatives to outside and associated bodies for 2014/15, as set out in the schedule attached to the report be approved subject to Councillor Keith Holloway being nominated as the Council’s substitute member on the AGMA Statutory Functions Committee.


·         the nominations and appointments made by the Annual Council Meeting on 10 June 2014 in respect of those bodies detailed in final section of the schedule be ratified.


·         the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant party group leader, be authorised to finalise the schedule of appointments and nominations prior to the next Executive Meeting on 15 July 2014.