Issue - decisions

Chadwick Street, Marple

12/02/2014 - Chadwick Street, Marple (EDR22)

The Executive Meeting considered a revised offer from Kirkland Developments Ltd for the purchase of the Chadwick Street Car Park, Marple, and agreed that


·         the revised offer from Kirkland Developments Ltd be declined and that they be reimbursed for appropriate ‘planning’ costs for obtaining planning permission on Chadwick Street in return for the assignment of any outputs produced by these costs.

·         the Corporate Directors for Corporate and Support Services and for Place Management and Regeneration, in conjunction with the Executive Councillors (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) and (Economic Development & Regeneration) be authorised to bring forward the delivery of a retail scheme on Chadwick Street, Marple utilising the Stockport Strategic Property Partnership.


(Note: this report contains information ‘not for publication’ contained in its appendices that have been circulated to executive councillors only)