Issue - decisions

Refresh of the Section 75 Pooled Budget Agreement

03/04/2013 - Refresh of the Section 75 Pooled Budget Agreement (LDR23)

The Executive Meeting has agreed that


·         the arrangements outlined in the report for entering into a new Section 75 (pooled budget) arrangement between the Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group from April 2013 to March 2014 be approved;

·         the updated Terms of Reference for the Health & Wellbeing Integrated Commissioning Board which oversees the agreement be approved;

·         the comprehensive review of the pooled budgets and opportunities for further integrated commissioning (including increasing the range and level of budgets being pooled) taking place during 2013/14 be noted;

·         encouragement be given to moving from aligned budgets to pooled budgets, as far as possible.