Issue - decisions

Brinnington Regeneration Plan

03/04/2013 - Brinnington Regeneration (EDR7)

The Executive Meeting considered an update on proposals for the delivery of the Brinnington Regeneration Plan and agreed that


·         progress on the delivery of the Brinnington Regeneration plan be noted;

·         the appointment of Countryside Properties as preferred developer be approved, and work now be undertaken to enter into a development agreement with Countryside Properties to deliver the new housing proposals;

·         the proposals for relocating Castle Hill School, Brinnington to existing and enhanced facilities at the former Offerton School site be noted and that a further report detailing the outcome of the public consultation at a future meeting;

·         the strategy and associated funding structure for developing a new leisure facility at Brinnington Park, and closing the existing facilities at the Lapwing Centre be approved;

·         the proposed consultation that will be undertaken on the proposal to re-locate Castle Hill School; on the proposal to develop a new sports facility in Brinnington; and on the proposals to develop new housing in Brinnington, as outlined in this report be noted.


(NOTE: the report included exempt information ‘Not for Publication’ contained within its appendices that were circulated to executive councillors only)