Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Annual Investment Strategy & MRP Policy 2013/2014

07/03/2013 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Annual Investment Strategy & MRP Policy 2013/2014

The Council Meeting has approved:-


·         The Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2013/14;

·         The Capital Expenditure forecasts and CFR projections;

·         The Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14;

·         The Treasury and Prudential Indicators and limits 2013/14-2015/16;

·         The Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14.

19/02/2013 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Annual Investment Strategy & MRP Policy 2013/2014 (LDR18)

The Executive Meeting considered the 2013/14 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy and prudent and sustainable Treasury and Prudential Indicators which had been constructed in compliance with the CIPFA Code and then recommended that the Council Meeting approve the following:-


           The Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2013/14;

           The Capital Expenditure forecasts and CFR projections;

           The Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14;

           The Treasury and Prudential Indicators and limits 2013/14-2015/16;

           The Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14.