Issue - decisions

Public Health Transition

22/03/2013 - Public Health contracts transferring to the Council 1 April 2013

The national transition of public health functions to the Council has resulted in a number of existing contracts, previously held by the PCT as the commissioner, being transferred to the Council. 


Throughout the transition, the emphasis has been to maintain continuity of services for residents and stability for providers wherever appropriate.


The delayed confirmation of the public health budgets nationally and the complexity of the processes involved in transferring public health functions, employees and contracts has resulted in a very limited timeframe to develop workable solutions to ensure that public health services under contract are continued.


For this reason, it has not been possible to follow the usual processes for tender and letting Council contracts, and this has been unavoidable.  However, nearly all public health functions delivered under contract are scheduled for review during 13/14 and therefore contracts have generally been extended for a maximum of 12 months, pending review, and the providers notified appropriately.


The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing) has approved the approach outlined above.

This decision is in line with the Executive Decision ED1487 on 18 February 2013 in relation to Public Health Transition arrangements ($LO$=1)


19/02/2013 - Public Health Transition (HWB1)

The Executive Meeting considered proposals for the transfer of responsibility for public health from the NHS to the Council, in line with the Health & Social Care Act 2012 and has agreed that:-


·                the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE)  transfers between the PCT and Council and the results of the various consultation exercises be noted;

·                the acceptance of the Contracts Transfer Scheme, which will take place at the end of March 2013, be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the relevant executive councillors;

·                any public health contracts that are not covered by the Transfer Scheme and which were of a value in excess of the Council’s contracting and tendering procedures and delegation be subject to an Urgent Decision.