Committee details

Licensing, Environment & Safety Committee

Purpose of committee

The Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee is concerned with the licensing of taxis, gaming, entertainment and food establishments; functions relating to health and safety including those related to the control of nuisances.

From 7 February 2005, the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 come into force which brings alcohol licensing under the control of Local Authorities from the Licensing Magistrates, and introduces a new style of licensing regime covering late-night refreshment (cafes, restaurants and takeaways open after 23.00hrs / 11pm), regulated entertainment and the sale and supply of alcohol. This combined licensing regime introduces Premises Licences, Club Registration Certificates and Temporary Event Notices to control premises, and the new Personal Licence for individuals normally resident in Stockport who supervise the retail sale of alcohol.

The Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee is responsible for considering all applications for new licenses and variations to existing licenses where representations are made from either responsible authorities or interested parties. These applications will be considered at one of two standing Licensing, Environment and Safety Committees, Sub-Committees A and B.

The Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee is composed of 10 Councillors appointed by the Annual Council Meeting and usually meets every month in the Town Hall, Stockport at 6pm.



Contact information

Support officer: Carol Hargreaves. (0161 474 3203)

Postal address:
Democratic Services
Town Hall

Phone: 0161 474 3216


Web site: