The Scrutiny Committee is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of local NHS bodies, including responding to consultation on substantial development or variation in health services in Stockport, and the monitoring of the activities of and liaising with relevant external and partnership organisations operating in Stockport to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working. The Committee will also have a role in working with the HealthWatch Stockport.
The Scrutiny Committee is also responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the following Executive Portfolios:
· Health
The Scrutiny Committee is also responsible for monitoring the activities of and liaising with relevant external and partnership organisations operating in Stockport to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working.
Prior to 2017/18 the work of this Scrutiny Committee was previously carried out by the Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee and the Adult Social Care & Housing Scrutiny Committee.
Details on the Scrutiny Review undertaken by this scrutiny committee and its predecessors can be found in the document library.
Support officer: Damian Eaton. (0161 474 3207)
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Town Hall
Phone: 0161 474 3216
Web site: