Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) - Executive Proposals

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services.


At its meeting on 7 September 2012 the Executive agreed a set of savings proposals for consultation. This was in response to the medium term forecasts and indicative savings requirements contained in the report of the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services which was presented to the Executive at its meeting on 20 August 2012.


The Executive also agreed that each scrutiny committee should receive a report which includes details of the savings propositions relating to their remit. The chairs of scrutiny committees were consulted on how best to engage members on the Executive’s proposals. In line with their response this report provides scrutiny committee members with an opportunity to review and comment upon both the overall approach being taken by the Executive and the relevant specific savings measures.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment upon both the overall approach being taken by the Executive and the specific savings proposals detailed in the report.


Officer Contact: Steve Houston on 474 4000 or email:


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the Executive’s response to the medium term financial forecasts and indicative savings requirements for 2013/14-2016/17. The report also detailed the Executive’s specific savings proposals for 2013/14 that related to the Scrutiny Committee’s remit.


The Leader of the Council referred to a recent update provided to members of all scrutiny committees summarising changes to the financial assumptions of the Medium Term Financial Plan in light of changes announced to the grant regime which resulted in the Council needing to make additional savings. The Leader of the Council emphasised that there remained a number of assumptions within the Plan that could not yet be finalised.


The Corporate Director for Place and the Executive Councillors (Lifelong Learning and Achievement) and (Children and Young People) also attended the meeting and answered questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Concern was expressed at the proposed £0.5m reduction in the services to young people budget particularly in view of the recent restructure of that service.

·         Clarification was sought in relation to the proposed savings associated with home to school transport.

·         Councillors sought assurance that the deletion of vacant posts would not adversely affect the early years’ service.

·         Councillors welcomed the work undertaken in respect to procurement for external placement of children in care homes and the associated savings.


RESOLVED – That the comments of this Scrutiny Committee on the Medium Term Financial Plan Executive Savings Proposals be referred to the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee for consideration in conjunction with the comments of the other scrutiny committees.


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