Agenda item


(a)       Reference ED1426 – Update Report on Draft Obstructions Policy for Highways                             (Executive Decision Record and report enclosed)


To consider the call-in of executive decision ED1426


(b)       To consider any further call-in items





(a)  Reference ED1426 – Update Report on Draft Obstructions Policy for Highways


The Scrutiny Committee was informed that the Executive at its meeting on 20 August 2012 had considered and approved the following amended policies and the associated changes to the licensing:-


           Highways Obstruction Policy;

           Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstructions Policy;

           Highways Café Policy; and

           Control of Skips, Containers, Scaffolding and Hoardings on the Highway Policy.


The Executive Meeting had also authorised the Service Director (Place Management) to agree the appeals arrangements separately from the agreement of the policies, in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration), following consideration by the Constitution Working Party.


The decision of the Executive had been ‘called in’ by Councillors William Wragg, Linda Holt and Lisa Walker.


Councillors Wragg and Holt explained their reasons for ‘calling in’ the decision, namely that it was appropriate for this issue to be debated at the full Council Meeting and that there was no criteria against which to judge the success or otherwise of the trial period with regard to the issuing of advertisement board (‘A’ board) permits. Legislative provision already existed for the Council to remove obstructions to the highway using officers’ discretion and the policies would be expensive to administer in terms of officer time. Concern was also expressed about the possible effect on local businesses if ‘A’ boards had to be removed.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           The proposed policies would ensure that all people and businesses were treated equally.

           The Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstruction Policy would be introduced on a trial basis and assessed against the criteria for its introduction and how long it took Officers to process applications.

           A Member expressed concern about the extent of the charges in the policies.

           Whether there would be enforcement of skip permits in the evening.


It was then


MOVED AND SECONDED - (1) That no further action be taken.


(2) That the outcome of the trial of the Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstruction Policy be reported back to the Scrutiny Committee in twelve months’ time.


AMENDMENT MOVED AND SECONDED – That the decision be referred to the next available Council Meeting to be debated by the full Council.


For the amendment 5, against 5.


The Chair exercised her casting vote against the amendment.




It was then


RESOLVED – (1) That no further action be taken.


(2) That the outcome of the trial of the Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstruction Policy be reported back to the Scrutiny Committee in twelve months’ time.


(3) That an interim report be submitted to a meeting of the Scrutiny Committee in six months’ time on progress with regard to the trial referred to in (2) above.


(4) That consideration be given to reviewing the level of licence fees set in the Highways Café Policy and Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstructions Policy in order to ensure that they are as low as possible.


(5) That consideration be given to taking action against companies who persistently flouted the requirement for skip permits.



(b) There were no further call-in items to consider.


Supporting documents: