Agenda item

Update Report on Draft Obstructions Policy for Highways (TR44)

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)


The report provides an update on the findings of the consultation on the Draft Obstruction Policy for Highways, Draft Highways Café Policy, Draft Control of Skips, Containers, Scaffolding, and Hoardings on the Highway Policy, and the Draft Advertising Boards and Trade Goods Obstructions Policy and proposes a way forward as a result of these findings.


The Executive is invited to:-


·         approve the amended policies attached and the proposed changes to the licencing

·         authorise the Service Director (Place Management) to agree the appeals arrangements separately, in consultation with the Executive portfolio holder following consideration by the Constitution Working Party.


Officer contact: Sue Stevenson, 0161 474 4351,



The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider the draft policies for Obstructions for Highways; the Highways Café; the Control of Skips, Containers, Scaffolding and Hoardings on the Highway; and the Advertising Boards and Trade Goods Obstructions following consultation with stakeholders.




·         the amended Highway Obstruction; Advertising Boards and Trade Goods on the Highway – Obstructions; Highways Café; Control of Skips, Containers, Scaffolding and Hoardings on the Highway policies and associated changes to the licensing be approved;

·         the Service Director (Place Management) be authorised to agree the appeals arrangements separately from the agreement of the policies, in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) following consideration by the Constitution Working Party.

Supporting documents: