Agenda item

Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee: General Update

The Corporate Director for People will attend the meeting and provide members with an update in respect to local and national issues which will be of interest to the Scrutiny Committee over the forthcoming year.


A representative of the Corporate Director for People attended the meeting and explained that a number of presentations would be made to the Committee providing and update in respect to local an national issues which may be of interest to the Scrutiny Committee over the forthcoming year.


School Improvement Service


Phil Beswick, Head of School Improvement made a presentation in respect to challenges facing the School Improvement Service. The following comments were made/issues raised:-

·         The introduction of a new inspection framework which aimed to improve leadership, the quality of teaching and increase accountability.

·         The importance of measuring progress and outputs.

·         The Service would support all schools, whilst focussing on those which were likely to be vulnerable at their next inspection.

·         Information contained in Ofsted reports will differ in the future.

·         The recruitment of Head teachers, particularly in the primary sector, would be a pressure in the future.


Issues facing Participation and Education Services


Alison Creswell, Head of Participation and Education Services, made a presentation in respect to the key issues facing the Participation and Education Service. The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Key issues were raising the participation age, reducing the number of young people aged 16-18 years not in education, employment or training and combating an increase in youth unemployment.

·         Attempts to get young people involved community projects.

·         Analysis undertaken in respect to “young people with destination not known” and performance monitoring.

·         Monthly monitoring of levels of young people not in employment, education or training.

·         Support provided to young people both during and after their apprenticeship.

·         Information and support provided to Year 11 pupils.


Primary Capacity Issues


Stephen Bell, Head of Commissioning School Places, made a presentation in respect to pressures on primary school places and allocations. The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The Local Authority had met its obligation to offer all parents a place for their child on the 15th April but there had been several dozen late applications which had resulted in some schools now having waiting lists.

·         In 2003/2004 the intake had been in the region of 2,300 children, to demonstrate the current level of pressure on placed the figure for 2012 was 3,326.

·         Measures taken to address these pressures included a number of expansion projects in local schools. The cost of expanding a school isn’t just the provision of new classrooms, it also included enlarging the staffroom/play areas/hall and could often include repairs to existing buildings. Projects were anticpated to take 18-24 months to complete.


Key Childhood Health Issues for the forthcoming years


Donna Sager, Service Director, Strategy & Performance made a presentation in respect to challenges for the future addressing key childhood health issues. The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Profiling revealed that the health of children in Stockport was generally better than, or similar to, the England average.

·         Infant and child mortality rates were similar to average and the percentage of babies with a low birth weight was lower than average. Additionally, children in Stockport have lower levels of obesity than average.

·         Smoking in pregnancy was a problem area in Stockport and figures were above the national average and continue to show little improvement. The problem is particularly related to young mothers in deprived areas.

·         The link between alcohol related hospital admissions and deprivation.

·         Oral health and access to dentistry in the borough.


Stockport Troubled Families Programme


Chris McLoughlin, Service Director, Social Care & Health made a presentation in respect to the Troubled Families programme, outlining key challenges over the forthcoming year. The following comments were made/issue raised:-


·         The aim of the programme was to improve outcomes by delivering innovative interventions and to challenge delivery that duplicated effort/cost.

·         A Greater Manchester wide approach would be utilised to evaluate impact and to provide consistency across Local Authority’s.

·         An outline of the financial framework within which the programme is to be delivered.

·         The approach in Stockport involves a wide range of agencies and services including the PVI sector.

·         The Supporting Families Pathway was a main route for identifying new troubled families and there was a strong drive to ensure that the service delivered a ‘whole family’ approach to assessment and intervention.

·         The role of Stockport Youth Offending Services and the Youth Offending Service Early Intervention Team.

·         The potential impact of the programme on the numbers of Looked After Children.



RESOLVED – That all the officers be thanked for their attendance and presentations.