Agenda item

Public Realm

The local Public Realm Inspector will attend the meeting to provide an update on matters raised at the last committee meetings. Councillors and Members of the public are invited to raise issues affecting local environmental quality.


Carolyn Turner, Public Realm Inspector, attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to highway and environmental quality issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The following additional issues were raised:-


·         Works to address problems with drainage on the A6 near the Asda Supermarket were ongoing

·         A trail dig was planned on Marple Road footway opposite Holiday Lane.

·         The trial dig on Wimbolt Street had been completed, and a separate leak at this location has been repaired by United Utilities.

·         Vegetation at the former fire station on Beech Ave in Hazel Grove had been trimmed back.

·         The public footpath though Offerton Fold had been swept.

·         Overgrowing vegetation had been trimmed back from a piece of waste ground on Newby Road Industrial Estate.

·         A request has been logged to litter pick the verge on the A6 between the weather station and the George & Dragon pub. Some work has been undertaken but as the land was not adopted the Community Payback Team would be arranging to pick the hedge at the rear of the area.

·         The installation of temporary “We Are Watching You” signs in locations with reported dog fouling problems was continuing. Signs had been placed on High Street and on Mill Lane in Hazel Grove. Permanent signs were now in stock and arrangements would be made to install them.

·         It was planned to install temporary signs for use near grass verges that were being damaged by vehicles. It was expected that the signs would be put in place for a few weeks/months to allow the grass to recover.

·         The Council was keen to support volunteer groups to undertake a ‘spring clean’ of their neighbourhood. The Council could provide litter pickers and bags as well as arranging for the collection of the bagged waste. The Council was also supporting the “Keep Britain Tidy” campaign that was running between 22 March and 23 April.

·         The post had been removed from the corner of Jacksons Lane and Chester Road, and the bench had been washed.

·         Footway works were planned on the northbound footway of London Road, Hazel Grove from Chester Road to Hatherlow Lane from 18 February to 31 March 2019 (9am to 4pm).

·         Carriageway works were planned for London Road, Hazel Grove from Chapel Street to Oak Street from 25 February to 8 March 2019 (8pm to 5am), and on Lisburne Lane, Offerton, including roundabout re-kerbing prior to resurfacing in March 2019.

·         An abandoned caravan on Totridge Close in Offerton was to be removed.

·         A Warning Letter had been served at a property on Paythorne Green, Offerton as a result of an accumulation of waste in the garden. As a result, the waste was subsequently removed by the occupiers.

·         An Abatement Notice had been served on a property on Hillcrest Road, Offerton, in relation to light nuisance from a security light.


The following additional issues were raised:-


·         A request was made for the Community Payback Team to clear the brambles from the top of Beech Avenue near the GP Surgery.

·         Clarification was sought on the ownership of the bowling green to the rear of the Crown Pub in Great Moor.

·         It was reported that there was frequent flooding and pooling of water at the layby adjacent to the shops on Arundel Avenue.

·         There was a non-functioning street light near number 2 Palmerston Road.

·         A grass verge had been damaged on the A6 between the George & Dragon and the access to the hospital.

·         Fly-tipping was continuing at the site on the corner of Peter Street and Vernon Street.

·         Clarification was sought on the completion of carriageway works on Butley Street.

·         A request was made to litter pick and cleanse the area to the front of Crown Mews.

·         Clarification was sought on whether residents were able to affix signs to lamppost to remind dog walkers to clear up their dog’s faeces. In response it was stated that the Council would remove unauthorised signage from highway street furniture. It was suggested that the Council should explore developing bespoke signage, perhaps in partnership with local schools, to encourage considerate dog walking.


RESOLVED – That Carolyn Turner be thanked for her attendance.