Agenda item


To consider any call-in items.


(a)       Reference ED1377: Strategy for meeting the physical activity needs of Stockport people through leisure facility provision – outcomes and final recommendations


The Committee was informed that the Executive at its meeting on 27 February 2012 had considered the draft Leisure Strategy, a report summarising the outcome of the consultation exercise, a summary of the investment plan and an Equality Impact Assessment; and


(1)       approved the Strategy for Meeting the Physical Activity Needs of Stockport People through Leisure Facility Provision;


(2)       approved the final proposals in respect of leisure facilities, namely:-


(i)        the development of three new leisure facilities, in addition to the new facility opened in Reddish in 2010 by:-


          identifying and securing the opportunity for new provision in a location suitable to meet the leisure needs of the Town Centre, Adswood, Bridgehall and Edgeley communities.

           re-providing a sports hall and fitness suite in a more accessible location in Brinnington with subsequent closure of Target Life Lapwing.

           Replacing current Offerton provision in the Dialstone Centre with enhanced provision of a sports hall and fitness suite as part of the proposed development opportunity.


(ii)        providing high quality, fit for purpose facilities through:


           investment of £7m+ in Target Fitness Avondale, Cheadle, Hazel Grove, Marple and Romiley together with Target Life Council owned leisure facilities and Grand Central Pools.


(iii)       the closure of Target Fitness Peel Moat and continue to provide high quality facilities at Target Fitness +, Houldsworth Village and Target Life Priestnall.


(iv)       the utilisation of capital receipt gained from the disposal of Peel Moat for on-site re-provision of a playing pitch with associated changing facility and for the creation of a reserve to support the new centre provision for the Town Centre/Adswood/Bridgehall and Edgeley area.


(v)        that the programme be delivered by Life Leisure (Stockport Sports Trust) on behalf of the Council and in accordance with the agreed Medium Term Financial Plan developed by the Council and Life Leisure in both capital and revenue terms.


The decision of the Executive had been ‘called in’ by Councillors Alexander Ganotis, Colin Foster and David White; and Councillors Syd Lloyd, Anthony O’Neill and William Wragg.


Councillors Alexander Ganotis and Colin Foster explained their reasons for ‘calling-in’ the decision, namely that:-


           Despite the consultation carried out there had been a pre-determined desire to close the Peel Moat Centre.

           There had been a lack of repairs carried out to the centre, the alternative centres were inappropriate and the number of people living in the area was expanding.

           The site of the Peel Moat Centre should be developed to include new outdoor pitches as the existing outdoor pitches had become redundant as a result of a lack of investment.

           The Centre was well-used, particularly during the day time, and its closure would be detrimental to the community.

           The Council had known for approximately five years that Stockport College was intending to sell the site of the former North Area College and had provided funding for a joint review of the site.

           The consultation on the Leisure Strategy did not reflect the current situation as subsequently Stockport College had decided to dispose of the former North Area College site.

           At the time the Council had announced in August 2010 that it was proposing to close the Avondale Centre, Stockport Sports Trust had encouraged users to leave the Peel Moat Centre in anticipation of its closure and there had been a consequent significant reduction in users of the centre.


Councillors William Wragg, Anthony O’Neill and Syd Lloyd explained their reasons for ‘calling in’ the decision, namely that:-


           There were concerns about the consultation exercise and the contention that members of the public who lived in the Manchester City Council area had been excluded from the analysis of users of the Peel Moat Centre.

           There had been no assessment of supply and demand and the needs of local residents, and therefore no evidence of evidence based policy making.

           The strategy did not take account of Planning Policy Guidance 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation.

           The Peel Moat Centre had the largest number of referrals under the Physical Activity in Stockport (PARiS) scheme. 

           The whole leisure strategy was dependent on the closure of the Peel Moat Centre, and no account had been taken of the future needs of local residents.


With the agreement of the Chair, three representatives of the Friends of Peel Moat were afforded the opportunity to make a statement to the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised by Members:-


           Concern was expressed about that part of the consultation questionnaire which asked whether respondents agreed or disagreed with the closure of the Peel Moat Target Fitness to support the investment programme as this would lead to particular responses depending on whether or not somebody was a user of the Peel Moat Centre or one of the other centres.

           Residents in the Heatons area were entitled to fair and adequate leisure provision.

           The map showing the geographical distribution of users of the Peel Moat Centre had been omitted from the agenda papers.

           The development application which had been submitted for the former North Area College site and the possible future use of Section 106 monies.

           A Member asked to see the financial analysis of the options which had been looked at. It was suggested that he met with the Strategic Accountant for the Place Directorate to discuss the information.

           The site to support the new centre provision for the Town Centre/Adswood/Bridgehall and Edgeley area had not currently been identified.


It was then


MOVED AND SECONDED – That no further action be taken in respect of the ‘call-in’.


AMENDMENT MOVED AND SECONDED – That the decision be referred to the next available Council Meeting to be debated by the full Council.


For the amendment 5, against 5.


The Chair exercised her casting vote against the amendment.




A named vote was requested in relation to the voting on this amendment and the voting was recorded as follows:-


The councillors who voted for the amendment were Councillors Richard Coaton, Colin Foster, Syd Lloyd, David White and William Wragg.


The councillors who voted against the amendment were Councillors Andrew Bispham, Mags Kirkham, Lenny Grice, Wendy Meikle and Suzanne Wyatt.


FURTHER AMENDMENT MOVED AND SECONDED – In the light of this Committee’s concerns about the closure of Target Fitness Peel Moat, Executive Decision ED1377 in  respect of the Strategy for meeting the physical needs of Stockport People through leisure facility provision – consultation outcomes and final recommendations’ be referred back to the Executive Meeting for reconsideration.


 For the amendment 5, against 5.


The Chair exercised her casting vote against the amendment.




The Committee then voted on the substantive motion: ‘That no further action be taken in respect of the ‘call-in’.


For the motion 5, against 5.


The Chair exercised her casting vote in favour of the motion and it was:-


RESOLVED –That no further action be taken in respect of the ‘call-in.’


(b)       To consider any further call-in items


There were no further call-in items.

Supporting documents: