Agenda item

Reddish Vale Country Park Ranger Update Report

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report summarises the public events that took place at Reddish Vale Country Park and the number of visitors that visited the centre, volunteers, incidents, and sessions during the period from 21 September 2011 – 23 January 2012.


The Joint Ward Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Alexandra Krause, 0161 477 5637, email


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising the public events that took place at Reddish Vale Country Park and the number of visitors that had visited the Visitor’s Centre during the period from 21 September 2011 – 23 January 2012. The following issues were raised / comments made:-


·         There had been 7 horse related incidents in the park since December 2011.

·         It was noted that incidents involving off-road motorcycles had decreased due to a successful on-going police operation.

·         Drug paraphernalia and cannabis had been discovered at Woodhall Car Park and reported to the police late last year.  The Countryside Manager reported that the Council’s Environmental Health team would clear away and dispose of syringes but that they charge for this service. If any syringes were found within the park then it should be reported to a park ranger who would arrange for it to be removed and disposed of safely. The Committee was concerned that if a resident found a syringe on their property, there was a risk that they might try to remove it themselves to avoid being charged.

·         There had been issues with anti-social and sexual behaviour at the car park in Tiviot Dale. The car park had been resurfaced and had now been reopened. The slope next to the car park had been regraded and new trees would be planted outside the car park during this winter.

·         Councillors suggested that Sergeant Martyn Everett attend the Visitor’s Centre to discuss any current issues in more detail with staff.

·         There had been no recent significant wildlife issues. Friends groups and the Council had recently attempted to catch a duck with plastic caught around its neck without success.

·         The number of people attending events at the park had been very high, with more families and children now attending. The good weather had meant that there had been no cancellations of events. Sundays in particular had been a very popular day to visit the park.

·         8,000 fish had been released into the pond at the park. A mix of species had been chosen by the Environment Agency. The Countryside Manager confirmed that the Angling Federation had received the new licence relating to the reservoirs but had not yet signed and returned the paperwork.

·         It was noted that there had been high levels of volunteer hours at the park which was very encouraging. These figures covered a wide range of ages and included numbers from the Friends of the Vale group working in the Visitor’s Centre and volunteers in the park. School children regularly attended the park both inside the Visitor’s Centre and outdoors. It was noted that people often travelled from outside the Brinnington and Reddish area to volunteer at the park.


Frank Bramwell Legacy


·         The Countryside Manager reported that the projects relating to the Frank Bramwell Legacy had now been agreed.

·         Quotes had been received for the footpath work on the ‘Frank Bramwell memorial trail’ and this work was now going to cost approximately £30,000. The original estimate had included the replacement of all the reservoir embankment timbers, however Council engineers had stated that it would cost a minimum of £80,000 to replace them all. As the embankment was sound, only the few problem areas of the timbers would be replaced. This lower cost of £30,000 would mean that some funding from the legacy would be available for the other smaller projects. The Countryside Manager reported that the footpath contractor should be appointed within the next couple of weeks and work on the path was expected to start in March 2012. The work should take 5-6 weeks to complete, weather permitting. The trail would provide disabled access with a surface suitable for wheelchairs. The local farmer at Reddish Vale Farm had agreed that the contractor could store any equipment in his car park.

·         The Chair reported that the costs for improvements to the Visitor’s Centre would be just over £9,000 with Friends of the Vale contributing £2,627.

·         There was some concern about the lack of road signs, including brown tourism signs, for Reddish Vale Country Park. It was noted that permission was required from the Highway Department for any new signs, however they had informed officers that there would be a new sign installed at the Lancashire Hill roundabout which would include directions to Reddish Vale.

·         Arts for Recovery in the Community (ARC) had worked with schools in the local community to design new mosaic signs throughout the park at prominent sites such as the Visitor’s Centre, the pond and Hollow End. Final costs had not yet been agreed but it was anticipated that the cost of the signs would fall within the £15,000 budget that had been previously agreed. An update on this would be reported at the next meeting.

·         £5,000 had been received from the Environment Agency in relation to the wetland project near to the railway viaduct. Work on this project would start during the following week. New ponds were to be excavated and lined with clay and shallow areas called scrapes would be created. It was noted that there may be a need to use a few thousand pounds from the legacy to complete this project.

·         Work would begin next month at Sunnyside Wood to thin out the sycamore trees and introduce native woodland plants such as bluebells. This work should be completed before Spring 2012.

·         There was some concern about tree roots breaking up a path near to the Butterfly Park. It was suggested that the re-surfacing of this path could be a smaller project using the leftover funds from the legacy and the Committee requested the Countryside Manager to compile quotes for this work.

·         The Visitor’s Centre would need to be closed for 2 weeks during March to allow for the internal refurbishment work to be completed.

·         The Committee requested that potential projects that could be completed with any excess legacy funds be considered at the next meeting.


Reddish Vale Farm


·         Reddish Vale Farm was on a long term 50 year lease to the Dillon family who had asked to surrender this instead for a new lease of 65 years. This issue was going to be discussed at the Heatons and Reddish Area Committee.

·         It was requested that attendees of the Brinnington and Reddish Joint Ward Committee were notified and given a chance to voice any concerns relating to this lease renewal.


Olympic legacy


·         There would be a meeting on Monday 6 February 2012 at Vernon Park to discuss the Olympic baton relay event that is finishing at Reddish Vale Country Park on 7 July 2012. Volunteer groups, including the Friends of the Vale were involved in organising the relays.

·         It was requested that the organiser of this event be invited to the next meeting to give a presentation about the event.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Senior Ranger and the Countryside Manager be thanked for their continued excellent work in Reddish Vale Country Park.


(3) That potential projects using any remaining funds from the Frank Bramwell Legacy be discussed at the next meeting.


(4) That the representative of the Democratic Services Manager be requested to notify attendees of the Joint Brinnington and Reddish Ward Committee of the Reddish Vale Farm lease renewal and the date of the Area Committee meeting where this issue will be discussed.


(5) That the organiser of the Olympic Event at Reddish Vale Country Park on 7 July 2012 be invited to give a presentation on the event at the next meeting of the Committee.

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