Agenda item

Open Forum - Medium Term Financial Plan Executive Savings Proposals

To consider a report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Finance & Devolution)


This report affords an opportunity to discuss the Executive’s proposed approach taken to addressing the financial challenges in the 207/18 budget, the details of which are set out in a series of business cases and working papers that may be seen to have different implications or the potential for varied impact across different parts of the Borough.


The Area Committee is invited to consider and comment on the following budget proposals:-


2016/17 Business Cases


·         Waste

·         Council Tax Discount Scheme


Executive Working Papers


·         Working with Communities

·         Localities Programme


A member of the Executive will attend the meeting to present the proposals and to respond to questions.


Officer contact: Steve Skelton, 0161 474 3174,


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Finance & Devolution) (Councillor Alex Ganotis) attended the meeting to present the Executive’s proposals to address the financial challenges for 2017/18 and beyond, the details of which were set out in a series of business cases and working papers. The Executive wished to engage with councillors and with residents and seek views on the proposals before any final decisions were taken.


Comments were made/ issues raised in relation to the following proposals:-


Three-weekly black-bin collections


·         Concerns had been raised by residents about the proposed changes to black bin collections, particularly for residents who had medical needs and products that could not be recycled. It was suggested that other local authorities who had moved to a three-weekly collection had seen an increase in fly-tipping and rat populations.

·         Residents had suggested that the frequency of recycling bin collections should be decreased, rather than the black bin.

·         Concerns were expressed about the potential savings to be accrued from the proposals, and whether any possible increase in recycling rates from domestic collections would be offset by increased enforcement costs, increased use of refuse ‘tips’ as well as by the likely increases in recycling in other boroughs that would reduce the Council’s savings through the waste levy. Evidence from elsewhere suggested that any increase in recycling rates as a result of the changes would soon fall back again.

·         Could more be done to burn waste or use for green energy to avoid landfill charges?

·         Clarification was sought that there were no proposals to introduce ‘chips’ into bins to monitor usage.

·         It was important to understand the psychological barriers to recycling.

·         If the aim of the changes was to increase recycling, the black bins should not be replaced by bigger bins but the current size should be retained.

·         People would find ways to circumvent the changes, including using the local tip. Any improvements would only be temporary. Greater emphasis needed to be given to education and informing the public.


In response, the Leader of the Council acknowledged the challenges that the change would have on some residents who had particular needs but he stated that the Council would retain an Exceptions Policy that would take account of these. The Leader also stressed the importance of increasing recycling rates to reduce the overall cost of waste collection. Changing the frequency of recyclable collections would not make savings. Fly-tipping enforcement would be reviewed in any case, and the Council was undertaking a study of recycling habits to understand how to maximise the effectiveness of the collection service. The burning of waste was a matter for the GMWDA and could not be addressed by the Council in isolation. Assurance was given that there were no plans to introduce ‘chips’ to bins.


Council Tax Discount Scheme


·         Concerns were expressed about whether the proposed changes would simply lead to less honesty from property owners seeking to avoid charges for empty properties. In response, the risk was acknowledged but the need to address housing demand in Stockport was a further imperative to incentivise bring homes back to the market. Assurances were given that the scheme would retain exemptions for special circumstances.


Digital by Design


·         The skill base of officers being developed as part of this work could be further used in providing consultancy to other local authorities or local businesses.

·         It was important to remember that the most vulnerable in the community would be most in need and least able to engage with the Council digitally.

·         Investment in the programme should allow for increased capacity at the Council’s call-centre to aid those who were not able to use internet-based services, but this needed time to adjust before changes were made to call-centre capacity.

·         It was the previous Executive that had begun this programme.


In response, the Leader of the Council accepted that there would be residents who were unable to engage digitally and provision would be made for them, working with stakeholders to ensure this was robust. Much of the emphasis of the programme was now on internally focussed work to ensure the Council operated as efficiently as possible.


Other issues


·         Councillors welcomed the opportunity to engage with this budget process.

·         Concerns were expressed that the changes to the Essential Care Users allowance for staff were seen by some as a ‘pay cut’. In response, it was stated that meetings had taken place with staff who voiced concerns, but the proposals would seek to ensure the reimbursement to staff for costs incurred.

·         Clarification was sought on how the Council would accrue savings by the unblocking of hospital beds as detailed in the Joined Up Local Services Working Paper. In response it was stated savings would be accrued to the pooled budget with the NHS, resulting in savings to the Council. It would also mean better outcomes for local residents.

·         Concerns were expressed that the consultation had started too late to allow for alternative savings to be identified if needed.


RESOLVED – That Councillor Alex Ganotis be thanked for his attendance.

Supporting documents: