Agenda item

Performance Monitoring

i) 2nd Quarter 2014/15 Stockport Children’s Trust Performance Report


2nd Quarter 2014/15 Stockport Children's Trust Performance Report


Early years


Viki Packman (VP) summarised key highlights:


Breast Feeding maintenance rate is one of the highest recorded; VP commended colleagues across services for their consistent improvements and consolidation of joint working.


The number of 2 year olds benefiting from the 2 year old offer is the highest in NW and is in the top 5 in the country.


Pre-school provision continues to improve across both the maintained and PVI sectors -

outcomes for children are continually improving.  Phil Beswick (PB) mentioned that some small 2 year old settings are classed as requiring improvement (RI) which VP and PB’s teams will continue to work on. 


Early Help


Early help: continues to have an increase in CAF completion and training for colleagues in Ecaf. Work continues on quality assurance across agencies and increased holistic treatment around the child.  Referrals to CSC have increased over the year but in terms of last quarter demonstrate a decrease. 


Youth Offending Service:  continues to work effectively in preventing first time entrants – 3rd in country.


Parenting: there has been a reduction in unplanned conceptions. 

VP would like to celebrate colleagues at Moathouse who received the gold award for outstanding team of the year in the National Pearson Teaching awards. Cllr Alexander and PB visited Moathouse and were extremely impressed by the achievements of the team and the young mothers there.



Emotional and physical health:


Duncan Weldrake (DW) summarised report. 


Children Looked After: the new statutory guidance on promoting health and welfare has been published in draft and there is little change from previous guidance documents.


School nursing development programme: School Nurses will come over the Local Authority in October, 2015.  The team are still working on the details of the move, and will update a future board. 


The Care Quality Commission has inspected the safeguarding aspects of Clinical Commissioning Group and immediate feedback is largely positive, but the report has not yet been received.  Children’s Trust to be updated at the next board meeting; the CQC report to come to the next LSCB.


David Mellor commented on the absence of intervention for 14-16 year olds for obesity apart from a referral to Stepping Hill.  DW stated that this is a resource issue, although work could be carried out through schools, but this could target minorities and has problems associated with it.


Education and Skills:


Phil Beswick updated the board.


CYP senior team met with Ofsted’s regional team yesterday morning (8th December, 2014) Stockport schools are doing well, although some schools have recently gone into a category and we are working to help those schools.  HMI inspection report is due out tomorrow (10th December 2014).


Attendance rates have improved. The new integrated children’s service will be looking at this as part of its development and will report back to the Education Partnership Board.                                                                          

Staying safe:


David Mellor (DM) stated that the LSCB welcomes the work of the recently appointed child accident prevention co-ordinator.


Serious Case Review: lessons learnt from Operation Windermere. 

DM summarised questions posed from the report to SMBC. There are 9 questions in all and the LSCB’s newly revised CSE sub-group is addressing these questions and working on the actions arising from them.



Child poverty:


Viki Packman summarised the report. 


The LA should be able to report back on the universal credit at the next meeting.    Foodbanks have extended their coverage in Stockport. All Stockport foodbanks operate by referrals, are monitored, and you can only go a certain amount of times, and there is definitely an increased demand. A considerable amount of the families using foodbanks are working families. Worklessness is decreasing, but wages are not increasing. There are more children living in poverty in working families in Stockport than receiving benefits.  The Social Fund will not be funded after this year so this cost will be borne by the LAs not the government. 


Supporting documents: