Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16 - 2016/17 - Investing In Stockport - Executive Proposals (LDR34)

To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services)


The proposals contained in this report build upon those contained in previous reports to the Executive in July, August and September. They respond to the updated financial forecasts for 2015/16 to 2018/19 set out in the report of the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services elsewhere on the agenda for this meeting.  That report estimates that there is a cumulative budget reduction requirement of £17.7m in 2015/16, £38.8m for 2016/17 and rising to £66.7m by 2018/19.


This report follows the decision taken by the Executive on 30 September 2014 to make available for consultation, in draft form, a number of proposed investment business cases.  It reiterates the Executive’s strategic approach to managing growth and public service reform through the Investing in Stockport programme; responds to a number of points from the Medium-Term Financial Forecast; sets out the agreed strategic context; outlines the proposals for implementation in 2015/16 and draft proposals for 2016/17, and the approach to and feedback from consultation on these; sets out the workforce implications of the proposals; and suggests appropriate risk assessed use of reserves and balances. 


An Equality Impact Assessment, indicative budget proposals, and a full report on consultation activity are appended to the report.  Final business cases for 2015/16 Investing in Stockport proposals, and updated draft business cases for 2016/17 proposal, are included in the appendices to the report.


The Executive is recommended to:


·         Agree the indicative cash limit budget allocations outlined in appendix one and the proposed two year indicative budget for 2015-17 set out in appendix two.


·         Agree those proposals that are in Final Business Case format and ask officers to proceed to implementation for 2015/16.


·         Agree those proposals that are to return to Executive in February 2015 for implementation in 2015/16 via the January cycle of Scrutiny Committees.


·         Request officers continue to work on the detail of draft business cases for consideration at future Executive meetings with detailed plans for consultation and implementation in 2016/17.


·         Continue with the steps necessary to agree and reach a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 for presentation to the Council Budget meeting in February 2015.


Officer contact: Laureen Donnan, 0161 474 3181,


A joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) was submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive to consider the proposed response of the Executive to the updated financial forecasts for 2015/16 to 2018/19. The report contained proposals to address the savings requirements necessary to achieve a balanced budget for 2015/16. The report contained in its appendices a full report on the consultation activity undertaken on the draft Business Cases following the Executive’s decision to publish these on 30 September 2014, as well as an Equality Impact Assessment and copies of the updated Business Cases.


The Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) commended officers, partners and residents for their involvement in developing the proposals which, if approved, would mean the Council Meeting would be in a strong position to set a balanced budget for the next two years.




·                the indicative cash limit budget allocations outlined in appendix one and the proposed two year indicative budget for 2015-17 set out in appendix two be approved;

·                those proposals that were in Final Business Case format be approved and officers be requested to proceed to implementation for 2015/16;

·                where appropriate, the Draft Business Cases for implementation in 2015/16 return to Executive in February 2015 via the January cycle of Scrutiny Committees;

·                officers be requested continue to work on the detail of draft business cases for consideration at future Executive meetings with detailed plans for consultation and implementation in 2016/17;

·                the steps necessary to agree and reach a final balanced budget proposal for 2015/16 for presentation to the Council Budget meeting in February 2015 continue to be taken.

Supporting documents: