Agenda item

Executive Business

To receive a report from the Executive Leader and other members of the Executive on the conduct of Executive business since the last Council Meeting.


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) (Councillor Sue Derbyshire) commented on the value that Stockport County Football Club brought to Stockport and the loyalty of its fan base.  It was further stated that any support that the Council could provide to Stockport County would be based on the regeneration value that such an investment would bring, in addition to the development of a sound business case.  Councillor Derbyshire noted that there had been a report in a recent edition of the Stockport Express that Life Leisure had applied to the Football Association to create a new football team to play in division one of the North West Counties Football League.  Councillor Derbyshire confirmed that this approach had not been discussed to the Council in advance and further that she would not agree with the use of any Council resources, either directly or indirectly, to commence a commercial business venture in the form of a new football club.


Councillor Derbyshire also referred to the recently announced unemployment rate for Stockport of 2.7% and further that the number of those claiming jobseekers allowance in December 2013 had dropped by 4.7% against a national figure of 1.7%.  It was stated that reduction in claimants amongst young people aged between 18-24 was more pronounced at 7.4% against a national figure of 4.5%.  


At this stage in the proceedings, the Mayor invited the Group Leaders to comment on the matter relating to the proposed creation of a new football team.


The Leader of the Labour Group (Councillor Andrew Verdeille) commented that he shared the view of the Leader of the Council with regard to this matter.  He further stated that he would be prepared to consider any proposal with regard to the future of Stockport County Football Club provided this was supported by a robust business plan and that there was a clear exit policy for the Council.  With reference to the creation of a further football club in Stockport, Councillor Verdeille stated that this ought not, in his view, to be the focus for an organisation that had been created to manage the Council’s leisure facilities.  Finally, Councillor Verdeille requested clarity on the legality of the purchase by Life Leisure of shares in the value of £50,000 in Stockport County Football Club and further the suggestion that this may be disposed of by way of a transaction in the value of £1.


The Leader of the Conservative Group (Councillor Syd Lloyd) stated that he concurred with the views of both the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Labour Group with regard to this matter.


The Leader of the Independent Ratepayers (Councillor Peter Burns) expressed his concern that as the Council was the primary funder of Life Leisure, it should be informed of proposed new initiatives in advance of their announcement in the press.  Councillor Burns welcomed the forthcoming first meeting of the Funders Committee which he hoped would help bring further transparency with regard to the use of Council resources relating Life Leisure and the management of the Council’s leisure facilities. 


The Executive Councillor (Lifelong Learning & Achievement) (Councillor Shan Alexander) reported that Stockport Council had been commended in Her Majesty’s Inspectors Annual Report for the North West for its secondary, primary, nursery and special schools which were all performing above the national average and that secondary school performance had improved significantly.


Councillor Shan Alexander stated that there had been particular improvements in outcomes in Stockport’s designated ‘priority areas’ with 88.4% of children in those areas attending a school which had been inspected as being ‘good’ or better.


The recent opening of Stockport’s Apprenticeship Store in Stockport Exchange was welcomed.  The Store allowed young people to register with the National Apprenticeship Service and gain valuable skills to help them gain a placement and could be used by employers to conduct interviews for local apprenticeship opportunities.


The Executive Councillor (Communities & Sustainability) (Councillor Stuart Bodsworth) reported that at a previous meeting of the Council Meeting, he had stated that Stockport Homes had been shortlisted as one of the top ten social landlords in the country, and that the final order of the ten finalists would be determined by a public vote.  Councillor Bodsworth announced that following the conclusion of this vote, Stockport Homes had been voted the second best social landlord in the country.


Councillor Bodsworth further announced that Stockport had been selected to become part of the UK-wide Sustainable Food Cities Network, one of only six localities across the country to be selected for the project and that Stockport would receive a share of one million pounds of funding to help people ‘eat better for less’ while also reducing their environmental impact.


Finally, it was stated that work continued to develop additional small scale hydro schemes across Stockport, and that a partner had been selected for the development of such a scheme at Portwood Weir.


The Executive Councillor (Adult Care Services) (Councillor Keith Holloway) reported that prior to the Christmas period he had advised the Council Meeting that the Council were seeking to use an earmarked grant from the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group to alleviate pressures associated with the winter period through the strengthening of rapid response and intermediate care services.  He confirmed that the Council had been able to respond well thus far, albeit this had been assisted by the milder weather that had been experienced and the Council was in a good position to respond to any further challenges for the remainder of the winter period.


Councillor Holloway reported that the first Integrated Locality Hub for the Marple and Werneth area had opened on 20 January 2014 which brought together community social care, district nursing and community development workers to support people with complex conditions who were at risk of unplanned hospital admissions.  This would be the first of four locality hubs which would be introduced across the Borough.


Councillor Holloway also reported on the conclusion of the consultation on proposed changes to the assisted transport service which had solicited over 140 responses from service users, carers and family members.  These responses would be used to help inform the formulation of future proposals for the service.


The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing) (Councillor John Pantall) referred to the work undertaken by Adult Care Services with regard to the alleviation of winter pressures and reported that there was now a Cold Weather Working Group which was chaired by one of the Deputy Directors of Public Health.


Councillor Pantall stated that the 2013 flu vaccination programme had been successful and that preliminary figures had shown that Stockport had achieved the highest level of immunisation across Greater Manchester.