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Scrutiny Review Panel - Dementia Support

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Review Panel - Dementia Support. logo app
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Information about Scrutiny Review Panel - Dementia Support

The Review Panel, established in 2015, aims to:-


(a)  better understand the needs and support available to carers (and by extension those they care for) of people with dementia, and to explore what more could be done, or what could be done differently to ensure access was available across the borough and was taken up. To better understand the role carers could play in supporting the person with dementia to live well with dementia, what challenges they might experience and what could help them in the role they play.

(b)  understand the benefits of developing ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’ and the work currently being carried out by the Council, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and other partners to this end, and how the links this may have to the wider preventative agenda, including work within the Stockport Together programme.

(c)  consider the impact of the existing Dementia Strategy and to have input into the refreshing of this document, particularly in relation to the chapter on carers.