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AGMA Executive Meeting (outside body)

This page lists the meetings for AGMA Executive Meeting (outside body). logo app
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Information about AGMA Executive Meeting (outside body)

AGMA acts as the voice of the ten local authorities of Greater Manchester and works in partnership with a wide range of organisations including private, public and voluntary within the city-region and beyond.


The Executive Board is the focal point and the ‘figurehead’ decision making body for sub regional governance in Greater Manchester; in policy areas where the 10 local authorities have agreed it can carry out this role.  It consists of the ten leaders of the member local authorities and the Mayor of Greater Manchester.




The AGMA Executive Board is managed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Governance and Scrutiny Team. More information about AGMA, including copies of papers from June 2019 onwards, can be found on their website at


Some AGMA papers can be found on this website as reference only.


(Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link)