Issue - meetings

Stockport Homes Delivery Plan Outcomes 2020/21

Meeting: 06/09/2021 - Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Stockport Homes Delivery Plan Outcomes 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive


Under the long-term Management Agreement with Stockport Council, Stockport Homes is required to provide it with a five yearly Delivery Plan.  The Delivery Plan for the 2016 – 2021 was approved by the Council Executive in 2016 with an agreement that an annual report on progress would be submitted to the relevant Scrutiny Committee. This is the fifth and final annual report of the Delivery Plan 2016-2021 and demonstrates how Stockport Homes delivered against its aims and the Council’s objectives in 2020/21. A new Delivery Plan covering the period 2021-2026 was approved by the Council Cabinet on 27 April 2021 and annual outcomes report on the progress will be submitted to the Communities and Housing Scrutiny Committee.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Mark Glynn on 0161-474-3700 or email:

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report 9copies of which had been circulated) that stated that under the long term Management Agreement with Stockport Council, Stockport Homes was required to provide the Council with a five yearly Delivery Plan.  The Delivery Plan for the 2016 – 2021 was approved by the Council’s Executive in 2016 and it was agreed that an annual report on the progress against the five yearly plan would be submitted to the relevant Scrutiny Committee. This is the fifth and final annual report of the Delivery Plan 2016-2021 and demonstrated how Stockport Homes delivered against its aims and the Council’s objectives in 2020/21.


The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport (Councillor Sheila Bailey) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         It was noted that the was a lack of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in senior management roles at Stockport Homes, and a discussion took place in relation to the work being undertaken to try and address this.

·         It was confirmed that following a hiatus in boiler inspections on a risk-assessed basis during the lockdown in response to the covid-19 pandemic, these had now resumed and every boiler had now received such a check.

·         It was noted that Stockport homes sent 25% of its waste to waste recovery to prevent sending material to landfill; however it was queried wat happened with the ash material left following incineration for energy purposes.

·         It was suggested that information be circulated to members of the scrutiny committee in relation to the work Stockport Homes had undertaken to identify its customer base.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.