Issue - meetings

Children and Young People's Mental Health Transformation Plan

Meeting: 20/11/2020 - Stockport Family Partnership Board (Item 9)

9 Children and Young People's Mental Health Transformation Plan pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Joint Commissioning Manager, Children and Young People’s Mental Health.


This Plan sets out a national vision for improving children and young people’s mental health.


The Board is recommended to consider and comment on the plan. 


Officer contact: Duncan Weldrake, 07717355515,

Additional documents:


The Joint Commissioning Manager, Children and Young People’s Mental Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the national vision for improving children and young people’s mental health.


Duncan Weldrake (Joint Commissioning Manager) highlighted the following: -


·         The ‘Future in Mind’ was published by the Department of Health and NHSE England in 2015 setting out a vision for improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

·         There are a number of priorities including: -

o   promoting resilience, prevention and early intervention

o   improving access to effective support

o   care for the most vulnerable

o   eating disorders

o   accountability and transparency

·         The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

·         Joint commissioning of mental health services.

·         The Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Partnership have already signed off the Plan.

·         The Greater Manchester programmes that have been developed.

·         The voice of the parents and young people.


The following comments were made/issues raised: -


·         It was commented that the aim of the ‘single point of access’ was to do more to help emotional and wellbeing and to promote “I thrive approach”.

·         Members stated that it was increasing the need for ‘early help’ and there was a need to redirect resources accordingly due to the increasing challenges.

·         It was stated that the joint working and partnership arrangements were working well and that should continue.

·         It was noted that even with the Covid-19 pandemic the Plan has taken a real positive journey and a lot of progress has been made in a short time in comparison to two or three years ago.


The Board welcomed the report and thanked Duncan Weldrake for his attendance.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.