Issue - meetings

Part B - Cabinet Response: Our medium term strategy - an update on our programme

Meeting: 06/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Part B - Cabinet Response: Our medium term strategy - an update on our programme pdf icon PDF 361 KB

To consider a report of the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance.


This report is the latest update on the Cabinet’s medium term strategy and the second phase of its programme including a suite of proposals for 2020/21.This second phase includes a number of proposals that were presented to Cabinet in February and were agreed to be implemented following further development and review. In addition to this, there are further proposals which were presented to Cabinet in September and have been subject to consultation and engagement with a range of stakeholders.


Within this report the Cabinet outline the current financial context, provide an update on the medium term strategy, the approach taken to seeking and understanding views from our communities, partners and workforce and present a suite of proposals for consideration and approval.



The Cabinet are asked to:


·      Discuss and note the Cabinet’s position in relation to the MTFP and Budget (section 2 of the report).

·      Discuss the progress outlined within this report and note the considerations outlined in relation to consultation, equality implications and workforce implications (section 4 of the report).

·      Consider and approve for implementation the updated proposals appended (Appendices 4 – 14) to this report.





Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning and Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Cabinet’s budget proposals and choices for 2020/21, including information on further engagement that had occurred since the Cabinet meeting.


The Deputy Leader of the Council provided an overview of the report, emphasising: -


·         There were a number of areas which the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) were working on which would impact on the Council. However, possible Levy’s for these had yet to be determined.

·         Using Revenue Savings to reduce levels of Council Tax would be fiscally irresponsible as this would have a bigger impact in the long term as a result of likely additional cuts to the Council’s Budget by the Government in forthcoming years and pressures to the Council’s Budget in future years which it was aware of.

·         There were some significant one off revenue monies this year that the Council would invest in important projects to benefit the people of Stockport.


Cabinet Members welcomed the proposed investment in libraries and emphasised that the extension of Open Plus was a commitment to extending accessibility to buildings.


The proposed investment in Transport for Special Educational Needs would enable a co-ordinated approach and this was to be welcomed.


RESOLVED - That, in relation to the Cabinet Response: Our Medium Term Strategy – an update on our programme:-


·         the position in relation to the MTFP and Budget (Section 2 of the report) be noted;

·         the considerations outlined in relation to consultation, equality implications and workforce implications outlined in Section 4 of the report be noted; and

·         approves the implementation of the updated proposals detailed in Appendices 4-14 of the report be approved.