Issue - meetings

Open Forum

Meeting: 09/08/2018 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 4)

Open Forum: Manchester Airport - Draft Noise Action Plan 2019-2023

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Philip Harding.


A representative from Manchester Airport will attend the meeting for this item.


The Noise Action Plan (2019-2023) consultation draft and the supplementary information can be found on Manchester Airport’s website via the following link:-


The consultation closes on 21 August 2018.

Additional documents:


Neil Robinson and David Foote from Manchester Airport attended the meeting to advise the Area Committee of the Noise Action Plan (2019-2023) consultation draft and the supplementary information which had been prepared.


The Noise Action Plan was a five year plan to assess, consider and manage aircraft noise around the airport and was a legal requirement under a European Union directive. It was also a key part of delivering broader UK Government noise objectives that were to limit and, where possible, reduce the number of people in the UK significantly affected by aircraft noise. The consultation closed on 21 August 2018.


 The following comments were made/issued:-


  • The view was expressed that as Stockport was on the flight path to and from Manchester Airport and had a very high residential population, there was too much night time flying and a limit should be put on it. This should be set out in a legal agreement between Manchester Airport and Stockport Council. The situation would be exacerbated by the proposed increase in the capacity of Manchester Airport. An increase in the number of aircraft would result in more noise and disturbance for local residents.
  • The Council had ambitious plans for residential development in the town centre which was on the flight path, and therefore there would be an increase in the number of residents affected by aircraft noise.
  • The effect of aircraft on climate change needed to be examined. An issue of concern from an environmental point of view was the frequency of flights.
  • A Member enquired what the situation would be when the airport was no longer responding to directives from the European Union after the United Kingdom had left the European Union.
  • The meeting discussed the current consultation and liaison mechanisms between the Airport and the Council. The Area Committee requested the Airport to look at holding regular meetings with Members at the Town Hall in Stockport at a time which was convenient for the majority of Councillors.
  • There was the provision, if certain criteria was met, for residents to be provided with assistance for double or triple glazing, and roof insulation, and Members thought that the Airport should promote this more extensively.
  • The flight path went across the Brinnington and Central Ward, yet accessibility to jobs at Manchester Airport for residents in that Ward was limited.


RESOLVED – (1) That Neil Robinson and David Foote be thanked for their attendance.


(2) That Manchester Airport be requested to report to the Area Committee on an annual basis on aircraft noise and the issue of night flights.


Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 4)

Open Forum: Manchester Airport - Draft Noise Action Plan 2019-2023

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Philip Harding.


A representative from Manchester Airport will attend the meeting for this item.


The Noise Action Plan (2019-2023) consultation draft and the supplementary information can be found on Manchester Airport’s website via the following link:-


The consultation closes on 21 August 2018.

Additional documents:


With the agreement of the Area Committee, this item was deferred until the next meeting of the Area Committee.


Meeting: 10/07/2018 - Cheadle Area Committee (Item 5)

Manchester Airport - Draft Noise Action Plan 2019-2023

This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor David Meller


A representative from Manchester Airport will attend the meeting for this item.


The Noise Action Plan (2019-2023) consultation draft and the supplementary information can be found on Manchester Airport’s website via the following link:-


The consultation closes on 21 August 2018.



Additional documents:


David Foote and Adam Freeman from the Environment Team at Manchester Airport attended the meeting to advise the Area Committee of the Noise Action Plan (2019-2023) consultation draft and the supplementary information which had been prepared.


The Noise Action Plan was a five year plan to assess, consider and manage aircraft noise around the airport and was a legal requirement under a European Union directive. It was also a key part of delivering broader UK Government noise objectives that were to limit and, where possible, reduce the number of people in the UK significantly affected by aircraft noise. The consultation closed on 21 August 2018.


 The following comments were made/issued:-


  • What the balance was between the number of aircrafts and noise levels, and the effect of the changes in wind direction.
  • Whether the loopholes had been tightened up with EU legislation.
  • The effect of aircraft noise on housing was raised and the planning conditions used to minimise the effect on householders. It was pointed out that the draft Noise Action Plan document was not a planning document.
  • A Member raised how the consultation on the Noise Action Plan could be fed into the planning process as, for example, noise affected the potential for land to be developed. It was felt that the Planning Department needed to work with Manchester Airport on such issues.
  • There were links in the document to who residents should contact with regard to insulation, double glazing, noise, insulation and re-roofing etc.
  • Once the plan had been published, Manchester Airport had an obligation to publish a summary electronic version which was no longer than ten pages.
  • Heald Green Ward Councillors reported an increase in enquiries from residents observing aircraft taking off early in the morning.
  • Earlier take off times could be communicated by Manchester Airport by other means, for example twitter.
  • Heald Green Ward Councillors requested that copies of the document be sent to local libraries. Elderly residents had found the online  consultation paper difficult to comprehend.
  • Reference was made to the document published last year on Manchester Airport’s corporate social responsibilities.


RESOLVED – That David Foote and Adam Freeman be thanked for their attendance.