Issue - meetings

Stockport Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Year 1 Review

Meeting: 19/10/2017 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 Stockport Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Year 1 Review pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Director of Public Health.


Following the publication of the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2020 in February 2017, the Board committed to producing a regular annual review of the strategy.


This is the first annual review of the Stockport Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It described actions that have been undertaken and highlights key achievements from the last year from across the Stockport Health and Care partnership.


The report updates the priorities and plans the period up to 2020, and identifies areas where further joint work is needed; ensuring that the strategy remains relevant and reflects the developing programmes.


The Board is invited to:-


·         review, comment on and amend the JHSW year 1 review and approve for publication;

·         consider what joint work could be undertaken in 2018 to review social isolation in Stockport and to mobilise a harmonised response;

·         consider what joint work could be undertaken in 2018 to improve the support for mental health, focusing on young people, especially at transition points and complexities of people with dual diagnoses for whom it is still difficult to provide joined up services;

·         consider how it can contribute to the review of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and the Stockport Local Area Plan.


Officer contact: Eleanor Banister, 0161 474 2447,

Additional documents:


Donna Sager, Deputy Director of Public Health, submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider the first annual review of the Stockport Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy. The Board had previously agreed to review and refresh the Strategy annually to keep pace with rapid change in the health and social care economy. In refreshing the priorities in the Strategy, partners and stakeholders had been consulted and these had been aligned with those contained in other significant plans and strategies including the Greater Manchester Population Health Plan.


At a special Board stakeholder event in September 2017 it had been suggested that the Strategy include a renewed focus on social isolation, mental health, and whether the housing stock met the needs of vulnerable tenants.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Concerns had been raised with Healthwatch that for young people receiving mental health treatment there was often no equivalent adult service for them to transition into once they stopped being eligible for children’s services.

·         There were a number of websites for voluntary sector led community activities that were out of date, which would not be helping those feeling isolated, and made it difficult for others to signpost people to such activity. In response it was stated that as part of the Council’s Digital by Design programme Stockport Local had been developed, that was a directory of community group information available at although this still depended on groups keeping the information up-to-date. It was further commented that not all residents were computer literate, particularly those who were most vulnerable.


RESOLVED – That the refreshed Stockport Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy be approved.