Issue - meetings

Portfolio Performance and Resources - Annual Report 2015/16

Meeting: 25/05/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Portfolio Performance and Resources - Annual Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for People.


This is the Annual Portfolio Performance and Resource Report (PPRR) for the Independence and Wellbeing Portfolio, The report provides an update on key activity during the fourth and final quarter of the year, with a summary of progress in delivering the portfolio priority outcomes through the Investing in Stockport programme and other key projects since the mid-year report. It includes out-turn performance and financial data for the Portfolio, along with an update on the portfolio savings programme. 


Scrutiny Committee is invited to:


·         Consider the Annual Portfolio Performance and Resource Report;  

·         Review the progress against delivering key projects, priority outcomes, targets and budgets during 2015/16;

·         Highlight key areas of and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any performance or resource issues;

·         Highlight any significant issues or changes to be fed back to the Executive alongside the Corporate Performance and Resource Report;

·         Identify how areas of strong performance and good practice can be shared in other services.


Officer contact: Karen Kime, Susan Wood, 0161 474 3574/ 218 1032, /


Additional documents:


The Deputy Director of Public Health submitted a report of the Corporate Director for People (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Scrutiny Committee with the outturn position at the end of 2015/16 for the Independence & Wellbeing portfolio.


The Executive Councillors (Health) paid tribute to the work of his predecessor and his efforts to improve the health of the people of Stockport.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         There was a discussion about accommodation for the Stockport Together locality hubs. It was commented that there was a more general review of CCG and NHS estates and this would include appropriate accommodation to facility integrated working by the locality teams. It was emphasised that the roll-out of the teams and hubs had been phased, but that the emphasise should be on better working, not simple co-location.

·         In relation to the development of the Acute Interface, it was confirmed that the initial trial had been with a small number of specialisms within the hospital, but that due its success it was hoped to roll-out this service further in a shorter timescale than originally envisaged.

·         Assurances were sought on the ability of the Council to process the back-log of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) applications once planned recruitment had taken place. In response the challenge of processing DoLS applications was emphasised, and the need for appropriate scrutiny of these applications. Ministers were engaging with local authorities and others to find practical solutions to the more challenging consequences of the Supreme Court judgement and partners across GM were coordinating a response. It was also commented that commissioners needed to ensure that its contractors were carrying out assessments in care settings. Tribute was also paid to Ann Coffey MP for her efforts in this area.

·         It was suggested that levels of flu vaccinations had dropped locally and this may impact on upcoming figures on excess winter deaths. In response it was acknowledged that although performance was comparative the best, there had been a fall in the number of vaccinations, but that this was being attributed to negative press coverage about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Partners were committed to continuing efforts in this area.

·         In relation to alcohol admissions, it was acknowledged that performance remained disappointing. It was commented that a new treatment system was now in place and that this would take time to have an impact, but that excess levels of drinking across the borough were for a range of partners to address. It was also commented that the proactive approach of the Foundation Trust to asking attenders at A&E about alcohol consumption may impact negatively on the performance indicator but that it was nevertheless the correct approach to tackling the problem.

·         There was a discussion about he appropriateness of the performance indicators (PIs) included within the report, and the causal linkage between the outcomes they measured and the activity of local partners, in particular the link between flu vaccinations and excess winter deaths. It was acknowledged that in many cases the PIs were not ideal and did not reflect the causal relations, and limitations on the ability to interrogate national data created difficulties in analysis.

·         The need to tackle health inequalities, and in particular the disparity in healthy life expectancy, was emphasised.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.