Issue - meetings

Stockport Safeguarding Children Board Annual Repor 2014-15

Meeting: 17/02/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 4)

4 Stockport Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


The Board is invited to consider and comment on the Annual Report from the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


Officer contact: Una Hagan, 0161 474 5657,



David Mellor, Independent Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Children’s Safeguarding Board, attended the meeting and submitted the Board’s Annual Report (copies of which had been circulated) for the Board’s comment and discussion. The report set performance of the children’s safeguarding system in the previous 12 months, highlighting achievements and challenges.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         There was discussion about the impact of the Looked After Children (LAC) placed in Stockport from other Local Authorities, and the decision not to charge for their placement. It was acknowledged that as a ‘net importer’ of LAC, this presented particular challenges for services in Stockport. It had been decided that given the relatively small numbers involved, for many services the charging would not be effective, though recharging for certain health services may be considered.

·         In relation to the increased demand on safeguarding services, clarification was sought on whether this represented additional children at risk or repeat referrals. It was clarified that the referral rate that had been increasing was now levelling off, but the re-referral of children was monitored as it was a useful indicator of the effectiveness of services when children were ‘stepped down’ from more intensive interventions. Although performance in Stockport for re-referrals was relatively good, there was scope for improvement. It was hoped that the Stockport Family approach would ensure that Children in Need could receive more timely support to prevent escalation to more stringent intervention.

·         In relation to a review of work relating to children missing from home, it was reported that the Children at Risk Group was using data from partners to better identify those children who were within this definition and correlating this with those who were at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation. It was reported that good progress was being made in this challenging area.

·         In relation to queries raised at the last meeting about Children Missing from Education, it was reported that the currently there were four children not on roll at any school and know to the local authority; 35 children who were off roll and not known to the local authority, of whom 29 were believed to be abroad and six believed to be elsewhere in the UK. The other group of children within this category were those who did not go to school every day. There were issues with capacity at specialist placements such as Highfield School, with some children receiving support from home. The Council was working with the National Children’s Bureau to identify more effective ways to support these children.

·         The Board had commissioned four Serious Case Reviews that were due for completion shortly. This was an unprecedented number, but it was hoped they would provide learning that would enhance safety in the future.


It was reported that David Mellor would shortly be standing down from the position of Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adult boards, and that Gill Frame had been appointed as the new independent chair. On behalf of the Health & Wellbeing Board, the Chair thanked David Mellor for his hard work and dedication to safeguarding both children and adults in Stockport.


RESOLVED – (1) That Stockport Safeguarding Children Board

Annual Report 2014-5 be noted.


(2) That in relation to the Annual Report, the Board notes:-


·         that change within the children’s safeguarding system is generally well managed;

·         the priorities for 2015/16; and

·         the importance of transition from children’s to adult services.

Meeting: 03/02/2016 - Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Stockport Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


The report presents information to enable a view to be taken on the effectiveness or arrangements for safeguarding children and young people in Stockport.


The Scrutiny Committee are invited to consider and comment on the Annual Report from the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


Officer contact: Una Hagan on Tel: 474 5657 or email:


Additional documents:


Representatives of the Independent Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing for comment information to enable the Committee to assess the effectiveness of arrangements for safeguarding children and young people in Stockport.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-

·         The effects of austerity had been mitigated through the continuing commitment of partner agencies including the careful redesign and restricting of services which had been supported by vigilant risk management and high level of commitment from officers across the safeguarding children workforce.

·         The £3m grant received from the Department of Education Social Work Innovation Fund had been put to use creating the Stockport Family Model which was underpinned by a ‘restorative approach’ which could be defined as resolving conflict by repairing harm done in relationships.

·         The Board had commissioned an experienced independent reviewer to help reflect on lesson emerging from Operation Windermere – the jointly led Police and Children’s Social Care operation.



RESOLVED – That the report be noted and that the best wishes of the Committee be passed to David Mellor for his excellent work as the Chair of the Board.

Meeting: 13/01/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 4)

4 Stockport Safeguarding Children Board Annual Repor 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Chair of the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


The Board is invited to consider and comment on the Annual Report from the Stockport Safeguarding Children Board.


Officer contact: Una Hagan, 0161 474 5657,



The Chair reported that the Chair of the Stockport Children’s Safeguarding Board was unable to attend the meeting and recommended that the item be deferred until the next meeting to allow him the opportunity to attend and present the report.


The Corporate Director for People addressed specific issues members had in relation to the report.


The following general issues were raised:-


·         Clarification was sought on whether the Council  knew how many Looked After Children from other local authorities were placed in the borough. It was clarified that changes to Regulation now required placing authorities to notify the authority in which they were placed. There were approximately 269 children in Stockport, mostly in foster care and pre-adoption placements. Efforts were ongoing to improve work with these other authorities to ensure appropriate plans were in place for these children when using local services.

·         Further information was requested in relation to a review of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). In response it was stated that there were relatively low numbers of instances in Stockport in comparison to other parts of Greater Manchester, but CSE was a complex issue that could involve individuals and agencies across local authority borders. The Council and its partners were part of the Greater Manchester wide Operation Phoenix.

·         Further clarity was sought on references within the report to there being a lack of provision for the needs of children missing education (CME). In response it was stated that these children often had complex emotion needs and struggled to access mainstream provision all of the time, leading to additional vulnerability and risk.

·         It was commented that as part of the development of the next Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy further consideration should be given to how safeguarding was addressed within the Strategy.


RESOLVED – That further consideration of this item be deferred and the Corporate Director for Place be requested to provide additional information in relation to the following issues:-


·         provision of services for children at risk of missing education;

·         work to improving the strategic response to children missing education.