Issue - meetings

2016/17 BUDGET

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Schools Forum (Item 10)

10 2016/17 Budget pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services.


The report provides members with an update on the 2016/17 revenue funding provided via the dedicated schools grant (DSG) any other associated funding stream and the details of the 2016/17 budget requirements, plans and timeline.


Schools Forum is invited to consider the detailed recommendations in the report.


Officer Contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email


A representative of the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the 2016/17 revenue funding provided via the dedicated schools grant (DSG) or any other associated funding stream and the details of the 2016/17 budget requirements, plans and timeline.


It was estimated there would be an additional £2.9m of funding for the pupil population increase of 689 pupils, however until such time all the school census data had been received, collated and populated into the updated local funding formula model calculation it was not possible to identify any clear impact on the overall budget position. A further update would be provided at the next meeting.


The LA was responsible for allocating funding to all early years providers for the education free entitlement (15 hours per week) for three and four year olds via the agreed local early years single funding formula (EYSFF). The per pupil unit of funding to be allocated to LAs for early years would be announced as part of the 2016/17 spending review announcement due later this term. The LA reserved the right to implement any change permissible to EYSFF rates and 2 year old offer funding based on the outcomes of the spend review announcements in order to ensure the LA could set a final balanced budget for 2016/17. Any such changes would be presented to Schools Forum members as part of further 2016/17 budget reports to be tabled in due course.


Schools Forum members for LA maintained schools were requested to discuss the service areas in scope for de-delegation with their wider sector colleagues this term and identify any school issues and feedback to the relevant LA officers. Schools Forum members must have made a final decision at the next Schools Forum meeting for each service area.


The 2016/17 DSG settlement was expected to continue on an overall 0% cash settlement basis and included requirement to provide MFG protection to all delegated budget share allocations at -1.5%. Upon receipt of the final 2016/17 DSG settlement, the LA would continue to assess priorities, review resource baseline levels and construct the 2016/17 total Schools Budget based on latest information and requirements. The LA was minded to allocate any available headroom to reducing the requirement to deploy DSG reserves to set a balanced budget.

The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The Ethnic Diversity Service was forecasting to utilise £40,000 of ear-marked reserves to balance the 2015/16 budget, therefore the de-delegation per pupil rates were likely to increase by approximately £1 per pupil to cover this ongoing cost in 2016/17. Any profit made from the Interpreting Service was maintained to underpin the service;

·         No date had yet been set for the Early Years Funding project group;

·         The urgency to find out further information on the implementation and funding of the extended 30 hours per week offer to some three and four year olds.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.