Issue - meetings

Portfolio Performance and Resources - Mid-Year Reports 2014/15

Meeting: 03/12/2014 - Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Portfolio Performance and Resources - Mid-Year Reports 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for People.


The report provides a summary of progress in delivering the portfolio priorities, budgets and capital programmes during the second quarter of 2014/15, and include full year forecast performance and financial data for each Portfolio. The reports also include a progress report and updated risk assessment of the portfolio savings programmes. 


The Scrutiny Committee are invited to consider and comment on the report.


Officer Contact: Simon Finch on Tel: 474 4019 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Corporate Director, Services to People submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing for comment the mid-year portfolio performance and resources reports for the Children and Young People and the Lifelong Learning and Achievement portfolios.


The Executive Councillors Children and Young People and Lifelong Learning & Achievement attended the meeting and answered Councillors questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


Children and Young People

·         The continued success of the Supporting Families Programme during Q2 was a particular highlight.

·         There had been a significant reduction in the number of young offenders in Stockport . 114 young offenders were recorded during the first six months of 2013/2014 compared to 72 during the same period in 2014/2015.

·         In respect to the 0-25 Transformation programme, a robust delivery framework had now been developed to support the implementation phase which commenced on 1 September 2014.

·         The out turn forecast as at Q2 was a surplus of £0.162m, a reduction of £0.177m on the £0.339m reported in Q1.

·         Councillors welcomed the offer of future reports which addressed issues relating to and what actions the Council was taking in response to concerns of child sexual exploitation.

·         Early interventions were helping to address the attainment gap for children in receipt of Free School Meals but there was still a great dela more work to do.


Lifelong Learning & Achievement


·         Q2 date showed a sustained reduction in the number of young people who were not in education, employment or training (NEET)

·         Significant progress had been made in relation to SEN Transport as SEN travel arrangements for 16-25 year olds successfully transferred from Adult Social Care to the Travel Co-ordination Service from September.

·         Year End date for 2013/2014 had revealed significant reductions in the rate of permanent exclusions and persistent absence and a slight reduction in school days missed due to exclusion.

·         The out-turn forecast for this portfolio as at Q2 is a surplus of £0.877m.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the Executive Councillors be thanked for their attendance.