Issue - meetings

Physical Activity & Healthy Weight Update

Meeting: 06/11/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 11)

11 Physical Activity & Healthy Weight Update pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Public Health


The report provides a brief update to the board on progress against the ‘We Wills’ within Chapter 2 Physical Activity and Healthy Weight, with a particular focus on children and young people.


The Board is invited to note the report and highlight further areas where their organisations can make an active contribution to this priority


Officer contact: Russ Boaler, 0161 474 3941,


Russ Boaler (Consultant for PE, Sport & Physical Activity)(Stockport Council) attended the meeting to present a report (copies of which had been circulated) on progress with delivering the ‘We Wills’ contained in Chapter 2 of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy entitled ‘Physical Activity and Healthy Weight’.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The Council had made significant strides through the planning process to curb fast food outlets near schools but there appeared to be an increasing trend of mobile food outlets operating instead. Changes to school meal provision and the increasing number of providers operating in schools may hamper efforts to promote healthy menus and diets. While it was acknowledged that academies and free schools were not bound by regulations on school meals, it was acknowledged that governors of these establishments were not unconcerned by the issue.

·         Schools were working hard to support the physical activity agenda, and the Council had been more successful than some local authorities in maintaining levels of support, but there was increasing pressure on resources and time.

·         There remained concern about whether there were sufficient opportunities and support for young people to take part in physical activity outside of school.  While the Olympics had led to an increase in interest in sport, there was a persistent 20-15% of young people who were not interested so opportunities for them to be physically active were needed. This could include encouraging walking or cycling to school.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and Russ Boaler be thanked for his attendance and presentation.