Issue - meetings

Council Senior Management Structure

Meeting: 25/02/2013 - Appointments Committee (Item 7)

7 Council Senior Management Structure

To consider a report of the Chief Executive.


The report seeks to provide an overview of the leadership arrangements of the Council and a series of measures to respond to the budget pressures facing the Council.

The Appointments Committee is recommended to:

(1) Agree to the proposed management arrangements as detailed in the report.

(2) Delegate to the Chief Executive, the authority to take the necessary actions to achieve these proposals.


Officer contact: Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive on 0161 474 3001 or




The Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided an update on the operation of the Senior Management Structure agreed by the Appointments Committee on 23 January 2012 and implemented over the past 12 months.


The Chief Executive outlined that the current arrangements that were put in place on an interim basis and updated the Committee on the benefits and challenges of the structures in place. The report further set out the detailed key steps that are now needed to reinforce the management arrangements necessary to both manage the business of the Council and deliver the changes needed in challenging times. The report also indicated that there would be continual review over the next two years and that any further proposals that emerged would be presented to the Committee in the future.


The Chief Executive in particular highlighted the need to work on a corporate basis across Directorates and stressed the need to ensure there was leadership capacity with the skills required. He also stressed the need to consider this on an ongoing basis within a reducing financial envelope.


The Committee discussed the details and indicated their satisfaction that the proposals had emerged with regards to changes to the management posts. They also acknowledged the need for the work underway to continue on the development of delivery models that closely align adult social care and health. The Chief Executive agreed to bring back any further proposals that emerged from this within the next 12 months.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That approval be given to the proposed management arrangements as detailed in the report


(3) That authority be delegate to the Chief Executive, to take the necessary actions to achieve these proposals.